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5 useful things to do at the office in the summer

Rather than brooding over the idea of ​​spending the summer at the office, it is possible to take advantage of the opportunities offered by this slow period. A brief overview.

Organize your office

Tidying up the paperwork that has piled up on our desks over the year is something we should be thinking about this summer. Since we have some free time, why not take advantage of it to do it? Come on, let's throw everything away! (Well, almost everything rather…) Advertisements, useless newspapers, drafts, the thousand and one photocopies that we no longer need… Trash! This work can certainly be tedious, but with a clean desk (and clear ideas), it's much more fun to go to work!

Sort your emails and contacts

Same fight for our overflowing email inbox. We sort everything, those we keep, those that go to the trash, those that deserve to be transferred... And for even more efficiency, we create appropriate folders for the emails that we decide to keep. Then we tackle our contact database. As it is never THE priority of the moment during the year, we take advantage of the slowdown in activity to update the necessary information and delete contacts that have become useless or obsolete... So yes, all this great summer cleaning n It's not the most fun thing to do, but later it will be very useful to us (and the environment will thank us!).

Connecting with colleagues

During the year, we are often overwhelmed and we do not always take the time to socialize. The summer spent at the office is therefore a great opportunity to get to know our colleagues better. At least, those who stayed there, like us! This calm and less stressful period is much more conducive to discussions, so we do not hesitate to organize nice lunches, especially since who says less work says lunch breaks a little longer than usual. when it's sunny. Then, meeting new people in the company also means giving yourself the opportunity to enrich your professional network.

Update your folders

If this is not the case yet, we take advantage of our holidays to reset the counters before the general recovery. This pile of files that has been lying around for months on our desk? We bid him farewell. Because after all, what could be more pleasant than starting a new “season” in good spirits? Then, in addition, we can be clever in front of our colleagues who will have to catch up on the backlog accumulated during their holidays. You can also take the opportunity to take stock of your career and set goals for the coming year.

Getting ahead for the start of the school year

A big event or a big conference is looming at the start of the school year? We take advantage of these moments of respite to start thinking about it. For example, you can do a retro-planning, which allows you to stagger the tasks to deliver the files on the scheduled date, without worry. In addition, as we are much less solicited by our bosses, we are more productive and efficient.

Here we are, we are ready to welcome back to school on the right foot!