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5 chances to turn time lost into time well spent

Finding time for everything we need to do can be difficult. After all, there are only 24 hours in a day. Do you feel overwhelmed? Having! 4 time management tools to keep you from feeling overwhelmed? Having! 4 Time Management Tools to Save You Do you have a hard time staying productive because your mind keeps wandering to deadlines, appointments, or urgent tasks? We show you smart time management tools that will help you relax, refocus, and get things done. Read more . So what often happens is that we use up minutes or hours of our family, work, or play time. But have you considered taking advantage of downtime, like waiting for an appointment or standing in line instead?

By doing this, you can not only leave those minutes and hours where they belong, but you can also be efficient, effective, and productive with your time.

1. Go to the office or school

When you're a passenger in a group of cars or on a form of public transportation, you can easily use that travel time for more than looking out the window. Maybe you normally look at your daily planner or review documents and reports. But wouldn't it be nice to enjoy that last bit of free time? before start working?

To start your morning off right, try taking that commute time to energize your brain for the day ahead. If you like guided meditation, breathing exercises or relaxation methods, traveling to your destination is a good time for it.

Calm down

Calm is a relaxation tool. You can enjoy sounds of nature with beautiful scenery to match. If you practice meditation, you will find various guided and unguided sessions. As a bonus, Calm includes a Sleep Stories section to help you at bedtime. For relaxation and meditation before starting the day, Calm is a wonderful app.

5 chances to turn time lost into time well spent

Download - Android (Free) | iOS (free)

2. Arriving for a date

While some offices, such as doctors and dentists, still offer magazines in their waiting rooms, things have certainly changed. Now, you'll notice more people using their mobile devices instead of flipping through physical pages while they wait. And, if you've saved articles to read later, there's no better time to delve into them than in a waiting room.


One of the most popular apps for saving articles for later is Pocket. You can save articles, videos, and images with a click or tap. Pocket offers web access, browser extensions, and mobile apps for easy access and saving. Keep your favourites, organize items with tags and follow other users to see recommendations.

5 chances to turn time lost into time well spent

Download - Android (Free) | iOS (free)

3. Stand in line

Whether you're standing in line on the bus, at the post office, or in the checkout lane at the grocery store, use that time to your advantage. With these few minutes to spare, take a look at your inbox. Make 2017 your most productive year. However, with 12 baby steps. Make 2017 your most productive year with 12 baby steps. If you make a resolution for the new year, it should be To improve a little every day. We've put together a 12-step program that will help you transform your productivity habits. Read more . This isn't always the ideal time to thoroughly read important emails, but it's the perfect time to get rid of the ones you don't need.


There's no faster way to compress your inbox than with Mailswipe. Your messages are displayed as cards. Then, with simple moves, you can move the emails to the trash or save them for later. The app is available for free with an email account. However, with in-app purchases, you can set up more email accounts with a unified inbox or receive unsubscribe action.

5 chances to turn time lost into time well spent

Download [No longer available]

4. Taking a break

You may have a good break between classes on campus or during your work day at the office or at home. Either way, break time is a great example for doing things you may not have time for later. Do you need to buy more dog food? Do you have to buy a birthday present? ¿Estás listo para pedir más artículos para el hogar? ¿Por qué no hacer tiempo de descanso??


Amazon es un líder en lo que se refiere a compras en línea y la selección de productos sobre la marcha no podría ser más fácil. Desde regalos y artículos de colección hasta artículos para el hogar, mascotas y limpieza, Amazon lo tiene todo. Ya sea que desee buscar artículos y agregarlos a su carrito, incluirlos en su lista de deseos o usar las compras convenientes con un solo clic, está configurado con opciones de compra rápida.

5 chances to turn time lost into time well spent

Download - Android (Gratis) | iOS (free)

5. Esperando a un amigo

Imagínate a ti mismo esperando a tus hijos en la parada del autobús, a tu peluquero para que termine, o al amigo que recoges en el aeropuerto. ¿Sabes para qué es un buen momento? Podcasts! Intente ponerse al día con sus programas favoritos o eche un vistazo a los nuevos. Entre los cursos educativos, programas de entretenimiento y espectáculos de negocios, hay un podcast para todos.

Fundas de bolsillo

Pocket Casts ofrece una gran variedad de podcasts. Puedes navegar por redes como Forbes, ESPN y The New Yorker. O, hojear categorías como comedia, salud y ciencia. La aplicación tiene una interfaz limpia con configuraciones simples para reproducción, notificaciones y apariencia. Solo descargue los podcasts que le gustan y escuche donde quiera que vaya.

5 chances to turn time lost into time well spent

Download - Android ($ 3.99) | iOS ($ 3.99)

Más herramientas de gran tiempo de inactividad

Aquí hay un puñado de aplicaciones adicionales que puede disfrutar cuando tenga minutos de sobra:

  • Breathe2Relax para ejercicios de respiración:Android (gratis) | iOS (gratis)
  • Flipboard para noticias y fuentes RSS:Android (gratis) | iOS (gratis)
  • Stitcher Radio para podcasts:Android (Gratis) | iOS (gratis)
  • Goodreads para encontrar nuevos libros:Android (Gratis) | iOS (gratis)

¿Cómo usas tu tiempo de inactividad??

Mantener esos preciosos momentos que reservamos para amigos, familiares, diversión e incluso negocios son importantes. Por lo tanto, trate de aprovechar esos pequeños momentos cuando esté montando, esperando o tomando un descanso de manera eficiente. ¿Aprovecha esos minutos? 7 Lecciones de administración del tiempo que aprendí de la escalada de montaña 7 Lecciones de administración del tiempo que aprendí de la escalada de montaña Cómo administrar su tiempo desde el primer momento de la mañana hasta el último momento cuando se acuesta, es una mucho como escalada de montaña. Aprendí estas lecciones de la manera más difícil. Lee más haciendo cola o esperando a un amigo?

Si desea compartir cómo usa su tiempo de inactividad, nos encantaría saber de usted.!