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A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people

Most people fail miserably at estimating the amount of time needed to complete a task. Sometimes it's because they lack self-confidence. So, they are likely to give themselves more time than they really need.

People overestimate their abilities, too. But underestimation generally appears as the most common phenomenon related to task completion.

Become familiar with Fudge's relationship

Calculating the fudge ratio helps you make accurate determinations about the time needed for tasks. Indicates the accuracy of your current estimate for time spent on tasks.

Start by making a to-do list. Write an estimated time of completion next to each entrance. Take time as you work through the responsibilities and write down how long each one took.

Next, add the total time spent Working and dividing it by the total estimated time . The result is your fudge ratio. For example, finishing with 1.25 means you spent 25 percent more than expected to finish everything.

Expect your fudge ratio to vary depending on task types. However, as you calculate the fudge ratio more often, you will find an average. Then you can add your time estimates and multiply the total times your typical fudge ratio.

Sugar ratio aside, you should also target the things that are keeping you from reaching your full productivity potential. 7 Hacks to make your workbench more efficient for maximum productivity. 7 Hacks to make your workbench more efficient for maximum productivity. Are your eyes hurting or is your neck killing you? A streamlined workbench could cure your ailments and increase your productivity. Read more . Let's look at how to do it and specific ways to reduce those barriers.

Time to get a more accurate perspective

A timer is one of the most effective tools you can use to curb underestimation. Spend at least a few days, or even a full work week, on each task you complete. Try not to make assumptions about your performance beforehand.

After tracking your time for the decided amount of time, look at the totals. Whether you're writing them down or checking the amounts in an app, you'll probably find some surprises.

Apart from the cases where you performed faster than anticipated, you will see that there is room for improvement. However, don't get too bogged down with those shortcomings. Think of your journey to better productivity as always in progress.

A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people

A timer app helps you get details about the time spent instead of forcing you to make estimates.

A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people

Download: Timer + for iOS (Free with paid version)
Download: Multi-timer stopwatch for Android (free with in-app purchases)

Write down goals and achievements

Your day may seem so fast that you don't have time to appreciate accomplishments. That's why it's important to score goals or other things accomplished as they happen. Then check the content later.

It's easy to get discouraged by momentary setbacks that make accomplishments less obvious. Documenting your successes jogs your memory and proves your worth.

Consider making a notebook in Evernote to keep track of all the highlights of your day. Cloud-based service makes it easy to add material displayed on all devices.

A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people

Download: Evernote for iOS | Android (Free with premium plans)

Look for slowdowns in your workflow

Sometimes the reason you don't do as well as expected is not your fault. A time tracking app that includes screenshots and activity rates could tell the real story.

Hubstaff monitors keystrokes and mouse movement. It also takes up to three random screenshots every ten minutes. Those images give context to your productivity.

A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people

You may find that an individual app slows you down because it's not user-friendly. Or maybe slow Wi-Fi speed is to blame. Whatever the case, you can take those findings and use them to look for future improvements.

Download: Hubstaff for iOS | Android (Free with premium plans)

Record your negative thoughts

Many people find that negative thinking affects their lives and reduces their potential productivity. They can reveal those doomed thoughts to friends. The feedback given could teach you that the mental dialogue is not realistic..

However, what about the times when friends aren't around to provide perspective? In those cases, use a voice recording app while speaking your thoughts out loud.

A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people

Later, listen to the recording. You will probably hear alarmist features that will make you realize your lack of confidence. When that happens, force yourself to acknowledge those elements and try to get a more balanced perspective.

That's one way to beat negativity over time depending on the technology.

A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people

Download: Voice recorder and audio editor for iOS (free with in-app update)
Download: Smart Recorder for Android (Free with in-app purchases)

Identify reasons behind mood swings

Being in a depressed mood can keep you from realizing that you're meeting productivity goals. Conversely, you might think that a perceived lack of productivity caused a low emotional state. Moods are very complicated and countless things can trigger them.

Track your moods As they happen, your emotional awareness increases. In turn, you can use that knowledge to work on simple tasks until you feel more optimistic.

Also, wearing a mood tracker helps you notice the things that put you into temporary depression. Then you'll see that a disagreement or the fact that your pet's illness also affects your mood.

It's all too easy to fall into the trap of self-defeating thoughts when you think about productivity. So, you might start underestimating yourself simply because you think you're failing. However, in conjunction with a timer, a mood tracker can indicate that you are performing well despite emotional turmoil.

A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people

Download: MoodPanda for iOS or Android (free)

Set realistic goals

Perhaps you underestimate your productivity because of what the past tells you. In other words, a constant failure to meet goals could lead you to the conclusion that you are incapable. But what if you set more goals during a given day than any human could achieve?

Getting more familiar with your fudge relationship It should help avoid that. It's also helpful to make sure you come up with realistic goals. Often that means accomplishing less on a daily basis but doing your best and not feeling burned out afterwards.

Using an app called CommitTo3 teaches you to choose three most important tasks every day. As long as you finish those, move on to some less significant responsibilities.

Getting in the habit of tackling three important things each day boosts self-esteem. Then underestimation as a result of low self-esteem becomes less frequent.

A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people

Download: CommitTo3 for iOS or Android (Free with premium plans)

Speak and listen to positive affirmations

We cover how negativity compromises productivity. Fortunately, you can also unlock your potential with consciously positive thinking.

Make a list Of positive affirmations related to productivity. They could include, “I always do my best” or “I have the skills to excel.”

Then say them out loud or in your head throughout the day. It is especially important to resort to affirmations if you feel upset..

The ThinkUp app allows you to select affirmations from a library of expert-approved options or enter your own. Then record the messages In your voice and listen to them as needed.

A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people

Download: ThinkUp for iOS or Android (free with in-app purchases)

Reduce your cognitive biases

Cognitive biases negatively affect decision-making, reasoning, and evaluation practices. They are errors in thinking that often occur when people stick to their beliefs despite contrary information.

Cognitive biases can have deadly consequences according to psychologists. For example, they can keep a parent from noticing a child's depression or substance abuse problem.

Cognitive biases also apply to productivity. What if the tips above show you're more productive than you thought, but you ignore the evidence? That result could perpetuate his underplay tactics.

There is also something called attention bias . It occurs when recurring thoughts affect perceptions.

Consider that the things that capture your attention influence your thoughts. You may see a long to-do list and assume that you will never finish the tasks. If at the same time you think, "I never do homework on time," you will believe that and continue to underestimate.

The Mood Mint app, called Happy Faces on Android, helps you control your thoughts and the resulting perceptions. Then you could see how the two fit together for productivity and impact your actions. It has a cognitive bias modification component that trains your brain to focus on positive information.

A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people

Additionally, a “Happy Notes” feature is activated during each cognitive bias modification session. Show content to help improve your mood and promote better habits.

A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people A no excuse productivity guide for unproductive people

Download: Mood Mint for iOS ($2.99)
Download: Happy Faces for Android [No Longer Available]

How to avoid productivity difficulties?

We all underestimate ourselves from time to time, especially when it comes to productivity. Fortunately, now you can begin to overcome that hurdle.

Start with the tools and tips above. Also, remember that progress takes time and staying dedicated pays off. Your efforts to avoid underestimating time. 9 Surefire Ways to Meet Your Time Management Goals. 9 Surefire Ways to Follow Through on Your Time Management Goals. These tips and tools will help you take them more seriously. Read More