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A printable graphic for any occasion

Who doesn't love a good letter? They're fantastic educational resources, they can help you stay organized, and if you pick a good one, they look amazing on your wall.

The Internet offers graphics for just about anything you can think of. Multiplication Tables, Military Times Tables, Metric Conversion Tables, Wind Chill Tables, Unit Circle Tables; all are available.

Here is a list of 10 printable graphics that will satisfy any occasion.

1. Task Table

In 2002, the University of Minnesota conducted a study on the benefits of giving children chores. 4 Android Apps for Taking Care of Housework 4 Android Apps for Taking Care of Housework Need to do some chores? These apps will help you complete them and might even make them fun. Read More Discovering that doing housework helped develop a child's sense of mastery, responsibility, and confidence, all of which lasted a lifetime.

Keep your kids on track with this handy chart. You can choose the chores your child needs to do daily, add bonus jobs, deduct fines, and use the results to determine how much pocket money they've earned. How to save extra pocket money effortlessly every day. How to save. Effortless Extra Pocket Money Every Day Saving is important, but it can be a real struggle for many of us. Digit allows you to automatically save without having to think at all. Read more for the week.

A printable graphic for any occasion

2. Metric Conversion Table [No Longer Available]

Only three countries, the United States, Burma, and Liberia, have not adopted the metric system. It can be troublesome. Not only is it confusing when visiting a different country, but it can also be expensive. NASA lost $125 million in 1999 when a Mars Rover rover failed because one company used imperial units and another used the metric system during the design phase.

Avoid the same pitfalls as NASA with this easy-to-understand conversion chart. Covers length, area, speed, volume, weight, and temperature.

3. Wind Chill Table

Look at the weather forecast. An easy to use website that displays the weather forecast for your city. An easy to use website that displays the weather forecast for your city. be bearable. The next morning, you wake up, look outside, and it seems that the forecaster was right. But you walk through the door of your house and it's very cold. What went wrong?

Maybe you didn't take into account the wind chill. A stiff winter breeze can quickly turn a picturesque frosty morning into a test of survival.

Print this wind chill chart from the National Weather Service and you'll never go out again. It plots temperature against wind speed to give you an indication of when freezing will occur.

A printable graphic for any occasion

4. Chart history

Did you find history boring at school? You're not alone. Uninspiring subjects, stuffy classrooms, and old textbooks are not a recipe for compromise.

As we get older, we learn that history is incredibly interesting. It underpins everything about the society we live in now.

Review your European and American history with this colorful and feature-rich print. It details the rise and fall of empires, the most important scientific discoveries and all the wars between nations..

You can buy a larger version on Amazon.

Timeline of European history Timeline of European history Buy Now On Amazon $25.00

5. Pie chart of units

Do you know your Pi from your cosine? A lot of people don't.

If you find yourself working with angles a lot, perhaps because wood is your hobby or you have an interest in trigonometry, this is a "must have." It will save you the time of trying to memorize everything and help you eradicate mistakes from your work.

A printable graphic for any occasion

6. Multiplication table

Staying on the topic of math, what about a multiplication table? Most of us are embarrassed to admit that our memory of schedules isn't as good as it should be.

(Quick, what is 6 x 8?)

Research shows that 6 x 8 is the sum that children struggle with the most. Close behind are 11 x 12 and 12 x 8. Put these prints on your fridge and give yourself and your kids a helping hand Try These 4 Super Online Calculators To Help With Your Math Problems Try These 4 Super Online Calculators To Help With its math Ayes Read More .

7. Household budget table

"Take care of the pennies, and the pounds will take care of themselves." We all know the phrase, but few of us adhere to it.

We live in an age of tight purse strings. The consumer boom of the 1990s and early 2000s is over. The world economy is still struggling to recover from the 2008 financial crisis.

A printable graphic for any occasion

Keep Your Home Finances in Order 15 Useful Spreadsheet Templates to Help Manage Your Finances 15 Useful Spreadsheet Templates to Help Manage Your Finances Always keep track of your financial health. These free spreadsheet templates are just the tools you need to manage your money. Read More You can track your spending and track your savings without signing in to an app or using your computer.

8. Military Times Table [No Longer Available]

Military time is almost identical in presentation to the 24-hour clock. The only difference is the absence of a colon between the hours and minutes. So 15:45 would be written as 15:45 in 24-hour format and 1545 in military format.

The biggest difference comes in how you verbalize military time. This table from will help.

Now, don't forget to put your dinner in the oven at nineteen forty-three o'clock, civilian.

9. Car maintenance

Cars can be expensive possessions. As soon as they are a few years old, things start to go wrong. OBD2 and Windows:Save on Auto Repair with Diagnostic Tools OBD2 and Windows:Save on Auto Repair with Diagnostic Tools Finding a car fault can be expensive. Save by doing it yourself! All you need is a Windows computer, free diagnostic software, and a cable plugged into your car's OBD II connector. Read more:fast. And we all know that garages and mechanics charge a fortune to fix things.

Many of the problems can be avoided with diligent self-maintenance. Controle la presión de los neumáticos para prolongar su vida útil, mantenga el aceite de su motor para mejorar el rendimiento, cambie las escobillas del limpiaparabrisas y manténgase seguro bajo la lluvia, y así sucesivamente.

Esta tabla te ayudará a mantenerte al tanto de todas las cosas pequeñas. Puede registrar lo que hizo, cuándo lo hizo y cuántas millas recorrió el reloj en ese momento..

10. Tabla de alimentos

Hay tanta información dietética conflictiva Cómo perder peso ... Rápido:los mejores recursos web para dietas en ayunas Cómo perder peso ... Rápido:los mejores recursos web para dietas en ayunas La última moda en el mundo de las dietas es el ayuno intermitente. Reunimos algunos de los mejores recursos en línea relacionados con este método popular para perder peso y estar más saludables. Read More Dieta Atkins, dieta de zumos, dieta mediterránea, dieta South Beach. ¿Cómo se supone que debes mantener el ritmo?

Mantenlo simple. Imprima esta tabla y asegúrese de comer al menos un alimento de cada sección todos los días. Combínelo con un buen plan de ejercicios Cómo construir un programa de ejercicios que pueda hacer en cualquier lugar Cómo construir un programa de ejercicios que pueda hacer en cualquier lugar La actividad física es vital. No te obsesiones con una membresía de gimnasio. Puede hacer ejercicio de forma gratuita, ahora mismo, en su hogar o en una habitación de hotel. Lee más, y estarás en el buen camino para ser más saludable.

En qué gráficos confías?

He enumerado 10 gráficos útiles que harán tu vida más simple, pero hay muchos más gráficos por ahí. Ya sea que esté buscando un organizador de fiestas o un organizador de regreso a la escuela, podrá encontrarlo en línea.

¿Me encantaría saber qué gráficos has pegado a tu refrigerador? ¿Hay alguna impresión en la que se confíe cada día? Déjame saber tus favoritos personales en los comentarios a continuación.