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Top 10 Useful Productivity Blogs of 2017

Of the masses of productivity blogs out there, very few consistently give how-to Advice. Instead, they tend to focus on self-improvement, feel-good, and motivational pieces. If you like that kind of stuff, fine. But find productivity blogs that focus more on practical Strategies you can implement right away aren't that easy.

To cut through the straw, we've chosen the practical top productivity blogs online today.

Yes, some of them have some self help articles. But the main reason they were selected for this list is their focus on actionable content.

Things that you can actually implement right away, rather than just things to make you think or get “Fired”. Get your bookmark button on the list!

1. Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss and his incredibly popular blog (and podcast) need little introduction. His four NYT bestsellers (The 4-Hour Workweek , The body of 4 hours , The 4-hour chef , and Titan Tools ) have helped a large number of readers improve their output per hour by several multiples. His blog has been a productivity staple for nearly 10 years..

Top 10 Useful Productivity Blogs of 2017

The focus of the blog is largely on "Tools and tactics to change your life and business." However, most of the posts are now for his podcast, where he deconstructs the success, habits, and rituals of some of the world's greatest artists. It's probably the best podcast on iTunes, with almost every episode containing a wealth of productivity tips. The powerful truth about productivity from 11 months on the road. When we are missing something fundamental, we must question our own notions of productivity. Here are four personal productivity lessons learned from 11 months on the road. Read more.

It's also worth your time to browse the Ferriss archives via the “Themes” links in the sidebar. Some are quite old, but almost all of them are still relevant.

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2. Asian efficiency

The goal of Asian Efficiency It is to help you achieve the maximum possible, with the minimum effort. The practical tips and tricks shared by the small group of blog writers focus primarily on systems and techniques to improve efficiency.

Top 10 Useful Productivity Blogs of 2017

Some of the articles are incredibly detailed, so you may want to save them to a later reading app. Never Lose That Web Page Again:6 Ways to Read It Later on Any Platform. Few things are more frustrating than needing a bookmark only to find there's nothing you can do to visit it. Rest assured, though, because there is a practical solution. Read More decent for taking notes. Try these tips and tricks to see some of the benefits. Read more . To get started, take your quiz to find out how productive you really are.

The site also has a decent podcast, which again focuses on how-to tips, app comparisons, etc.

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3. James Clear

You could easily waste several hours browsing James Clear's blog archive. Although there are many articles that theorize about productivity, there are also many practical articles with a great deal of value.

Top 10 Useful Productivity Blogs of 2017

Most of these articles are backed by a healthy amount of research and scientific findings. This makes these articles especially interesting for people who have a more analytical mindset. Clear obviously has a knack for finding old studies with real-world applications.

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4. Working

Aimed at productivity for teams, Working on it It contains a wealth of practical advice that could transform your working life. Plus, there are also some great personal productivity tips.

Top 10 Useful Productivity Blogs of 2017

The blog offers impressive lists of the best tools for certain tasks, tons of time-saving hacks, and trusted tips to improve team efficiency.

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5. Study hacks

If there's one person qualified to talk about productivity, it's Cal Newport. As a teacher, author of several books, and blogger, he is certainly an expert in time management of his. And he is sharing all the secrets of him in Study Hacks .

Top 10 Useful Productivity Blogs of 2017

Often, Newport's publications will explore high-end productivity ideas that he tests himself, then turns into books. The general topic is “decoding patterns of success”, see the importance of deeply focused work Why self-discipline is the best productivity hack you need Why self-discipline is the best productivity hack you need What is the secret to do deep work? Is it motivation or is it discipline? If you can't focus and get your work done, here are some habit tips to help you accomplish more. Read More

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6. Barking up the wrong tree

Every post on Barking up the wrong tree is based on research that provides insights into productivity and personal development. Eric Barket finds scientific studies that can be applied to the real world and breaks them down into practical articles that anyone can follow.

Top 10 Useful Productivity Blogs of 2017

Extremely well written (although not very pretty to look at), it turns out that these articles are an incredibly valuable resource for the blog's 275,000 subscribers.

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7. MakeUseOf

The Productivity section on MakeUseOf was officially introduced in 2016, but we've been exploring the topic for many years at that point. The section focuses on introducing readers to tools and techniques that can save you time and make you more efficient.

Top 10 Useful Productivity Blogs of 2017

Most of the articles are about making the most of the apps and gadgets you use, so that they make your life better, instead of being a hindrance.

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8. The mess

If you want your home and office to be more organized and tidy, Clutter is a must read. Yes, some of them may seem a little organization-obsessed, but the insights you'll learn after reading just a few articles are definitely worth it.

Top 10 Useful Productivity Blogs of 2017

The goal of the blog is “Make getting and staying organized fun and informative.” To help you make the most of the space available to you, “so you can be more efficient at work and enjoy a more relaxed and serene environment at home.” As you can imagine, this is much more than technology. It's about organizing file cabinets, food cabinets, gift shopping, and much more.

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9. lifehack

Lifehack focuses on offering "life tips" and its productivity section is particularly impressive. These articles almost always cover practical tips and tricks that you can quickly implement in your own life.

Top 10 Useful Productivity Blogs of 2017

Posts are generally short and to the point, making this a great option for a quick read on your daily commute.

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10. Sebastian Marshall

Instead of being a "how to" site, Sebastian Marshall's blog shares his own experiments in productivity. The goal is to inspire readers to “increase your wits, resources, and have more impact with the resources you have.”

Top 10 Useful Productivity Blogs of 2017

The blog is not regularly updated, but there are a few gems in the archives. These often explain the systems Marshall is testing and how they have impacted his own productivity. These personal "case studies" have helped the blog build a cult following over the years.

For more frequent updates from Marshall, sign up for his newsletter The Strategic Review, where he uncovers actionable insights from the most successful people in history..

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A mountain of knowledge

Between all these blogs there is a mountain of knowledge for you to soak up. But as we all know, it is too easy to read article after article but fail to make any real progress on your own. So Make Sure You Remember And Make Use Of All Those Productivity Tips How To Easily Organize And Remember All The Life Hack Tips You Read How To Easily Organize And Remember All The Life Hack Tips You Read We forget things if we don't repeat them. That's bad news for the endless words of wisdom we read every day. The good news is that forgetfulness can be defeated. Read more that are relevant to you.

And if you want to read some other productivity blogs that aren't as focused on “how-to” tips, here are some of the best ones out there:

  • Ryan Holiday
  • 99U
  • Market Meditations
  • Michael Hyatt
  • Zen habits
  • farnham street
  • Become a minimalist
  • Silly little man
  • 43 folders

This is by no means an exhaustive list, though.

I'm sure there are other blogs that you think deserve to be included in this list. Please share this in the comments below, and let us know why you think we should visit!