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Feeling uninspired? 10 office tweaks to revamp your productivity

Productivity and motivation go hand in hand. When you are inspired, the work flows out of you like water from a spring; when you don't have inspiration, it's like drawing blood from a stone. You can't be motivated all the time, of course, but it does help when you are.

What can you do when motivation is elusive? You have two options.

The first thing is to wait and wait for it to arrive, which could take weeks or months. The second is to somehow force the inspiration to hit. How do you do that? By injecting a bit of freshness and novelty into your workspace. It really works! Here are some ways to do it.

1. Use different fonts

Fonts are absolutely important. Whether you're working on project reports, thesis papers, short stories and novels, or programming projects, you need to read the text on the screen. The text is displayed with the fonts. Some fonts are easier to see than others, and some can even read faster.

Feeling uninspired? 10 office tweaks to revamp your productivity

Did you know that changing fonts can inspire new motivation? If you've been using Arial or Times New Roman or Courier New for years, you may feel like your work has become stale. Try switching to Roboto, Georgia, or Pro Source Code. Try serif for sans-serif, or vice versa.

Such a small change can breathe in a new life. I personally change fonts every 6-8 months, and it always helps. Seriously, every time!

2. Change desktop backgrounds

We all know that the color of the paint on the walls can have subtle but real influences on our attitudes, mindsets and psychology. Why don't we treat our wallpapers the same way? If you feel like a room is dated, paint something fresh. Why not renew your desk??

We have an article on how to increase your productivity through desktop backgrounds. 6 Desktop Backgrounds to Increase Your Productivity 6 Desktop Backgrounds to Increase Your Productivity Your desktop background may be the ultimate untapped source of productivity. Here's how to harness it to get more done. Read More The simple act of switching to something new can be mentally refreshing enough to inspire you, at least for a while. As with fonts, I change my desktop background every few months for this reason.

3. Change system themes

You probably don't pay much attention to window borders, colors, or the taskbar, but your mind does. These things sit on your periphery and subtly influence you, the same way you paint on walls. Windows 10's default blue is nice, but is it better to keep it?

Feeling uninspired? 10 office tweaks to revamp your productivity

Again, any color is fine as long as it's different. I went through a phase where I used the “Iris Spring” color in Windows 10, and I think the outlier color played a huge role in my productivity during that phase. You can also try these Windows 10 Dark Themes 5 Windows 10 Dark Themes 5 Windows 10 Dark Themes Dark themes can help with eyestrain, make text easier to read, and are also stylish. We've compiled five of the best for Windows 10. Read More Rather, Windows 10 offers a healthy amount of customization. But what if you want to do more? You can dig into the Registry... or use this free tool. Read More

4. Clean your desktop

Have you heard of cognitive disorder ? The act of seeing or hearing clutter, even just on our periphery, requires our brains to continually process that visual and audio information. This subconscious processing increases cognitive load and consumes brain power. Even so-called harmless clutter can accelerate mental fatigue.

You can learn more in our article on why clutter is really bad for you. Eliminating clutter is good for you, but why? Eliminating clutter is good for you, but why? Decluttering is a great way to start the year feeling fresh, and it gives you a great sense of accomplishment, but there's more to it than that. This simple habit can improve your life. Read more . Fortunately, tackling it is relatively easy:clean up your desktop! Not just what's in it, but everything around and under it, including messy computer cables 5 ways to clean up computer cable clutter under your desk 5 ways to clean up computer cable clutter computer cables under your desk Cable clutter is one of technology's biggest hassles. Today we show you how to organize and organize cables under your desk. Read more . Going completely wireless would be ideal, but if you can't, we've got some tips for hiding your cable clutter How to Hide Your Computer Clutter:Same Cables, More Space How to Hide Your Computer Clutter:Same Cables, More Space Despite Decades of Technology Advancement:The average home computer is still plagued by an obvious but complex problem:cable clutter. Many home PCs are still riddled with more tentacles than a low-budget... Read More .

5. Rearrange your desk

Once your desktop is clean and tidy, you may want to consider changing things up. Some things have to stay, of course, like computer monitors, keyboards, and mice. But anything else that may be moved around should be moved around.

Feeling uninspired? 10 office tweaks to revamp your productivity

Is your computer tower on your desk? Move it to the other side, or move it to the ground. Do you have photos of your family? Spin them around or hang them on a wall. Relocate paper input trays, desk organizers, printers, etc. Something as simple as this can prevent that “same old” feeling that creeps up on you after a while.

6. Move your desk

Not everyone can do this, but if you can, I recommend it:Move your desk to a spot with as much natural light (ie sunlight) as possible. Human beings thrive much better in natural light environments than in artificial light environments. Find a window and relocate.

Also, aim for a location that minimizes distractions. The ideal place is a comfortable room (that is, not too small and not too large) where you can be alone and dedicate yourself exclusively to work. You come in, work and leave when you need breaks or when you're done for the day.

But even if you can't do any From the above, the simple act of moving your desk. somewhere else it can kick-start the part of your brain that loves novelty (i.e., new experiences), and this alone can inspire you with a boost to motivation and productivity. I try to switch desktops at least once a year.

7. Add a light therapy lamp

Does your workspace lack natural light? Are you cooped up for hours on end, only exposing yourself to the outdoors when traveling between indoor locations? Do you often feel tired, listless, anxious, or fatigued? Does it get worse in winter??

Feeling uninspired? 10 office tweaks to revamp your productivity

If you answered Yes, then you may be suffering from a kind of environmental depression, and this can severely affect productivity. It is not the same as clinical depression. It is a state of mind that comes from spending too much time in artificial and unnatural conditions.

Phototherapy lamps aim to replicate the benefits of natural light. Just 30 minutes of exposure per day can work wonders, and you can keep it hidden in your desk. Here are some recommended light therapy lamps. 5 Light Therapy Lamps to Beat Winter Blues. 5 Light Therapy Lamps to Beat Winter Blues. If your depression only manifests itself during the winter months, then it is likely seasonal, and in that case it can be treated with something as simple as light therapy. Read More It really is a tech purchase you won't regret. 11 Tech Purchases You Won't Regret 11 Tech Purchases You Won't Regret. Buyers' remorse is no fun, but with these 11 tech purchases you won't have anything to worry about. If you're on the fence about any of them, it's time to buy. Read more.

8. Add or replant plants

According to a 2014 study by the Cardiff University School of Psychology, researchers found that plants in an office work area can increase productivity by up to 15 percent, and not just productivity, but also productivity. workplace satisfaction, self-reported concentration levels, and perceived air quality.

Previous studies have also shown that plants can reduce stress, increase attention span, and improve overall mental health. Is your desk spartan and without green? Consider buying some plants (desk-size ones aren't too expensive) and see how they affect your own work.

9. Set room temperature

According to a 2006 study by a researcher at the Helsinki University of Technology, the optimal temperature for office productivity is between 70 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 22 degrees Celsius). Each additional degree results in reduced performance, with a 9 percent drop in overall productivity at 86 degrees (90 degrees Celsius). Presumably cooler temperatures are also worse.

Feeling uninspired? 10 office tweaks to revamp your productivity

Obviously, not everyone has the same optimal working temperature, and sticking to a 70-72 F range can be expensive during the hot summer months, but use that as a guide. Aim for a temperature that is slightly cooler than “comfortable.”

10. Let go and give me 10

According to a 2008 study by a researcher at the University of Bristol, exercising during the workday improves performance and mood for the rest of the day. On non-exercise days, performance and mood may not change, but “sense of calm” decreases over time.

Exercise-related improvements include better time management, better mental acuity, greater self-tolerance, and more tolerant attitudes toward colleagues.

So if you feel depressed during the workday, or if you feel mentally foggy and unmotivated, a few minutes of physical activity can help. Check Out These Workouts You Can Do At Your Desk Get Fit At Your Desk With These Quick Workouts Get Fit At Your Desk With These Quick Workouts With so many easy office workouts and fitness apps available today, not working out is no longer an excuse. Get in shape while you're at work with these tips. Read More 6 Stretching Exercises to Correct Your Posture and Change Your Life 6 Stretching Exercises to Correct Your Posture and Change Your Life Simple stretching exercises can correct "Computer Back" and "Text Neck." Spend five minutes on these videos and a few more on the exercises to reverse the damage caused by sitting at your desk. Read more.

How to renew work productivity??

These tips and tricks can help increase motivation and productivity in the short term, but don't consider them permanent solutions. You may have drains in your life that are weighing you down and sapping your energy. If so, you have to address the root problem, whatever it is.

Some more tips and tricks that you may find useful:

  • Optimize your workstation! 7 Tricks to Make Your Workbench More Efficient for Maximum Productivity 7 Tricks to Make Your Workbench More Efficient for Maximum Productivity Feeling sore or fatigued? Are your eyes hurting or is your neck killing you? A streamlined workbench could cure your ailments and increase your productivity. Learn More Improper chair height, desk height, monitor distance, and ambient lighting can all be sources of fatigue.
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How often do you feel slumps at work? What do you do to renew your motivation and productivity? Do you have any advice for us? Let us know in the comments!