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Turn stress into positive energy!

Turn stress into positive energy!

Perhaps, like 50% of French people, you are affected by stress. Can we turn it into positive energy? Here is everything you need to know about stress to better understand it, and use it for positive purposes.

The Mechanisms of Stress:Causes and Consequences

For your stress to become an asset, you must first understand its mechanisms. We are not all equal when it comes to stress. While some are not very sensitive to it, others may be confronted with it on a daily basis.

What can cause stress? The causes are varied and can be mental, emotional, physical or social:

  • Physical stress due to injury or assault.
  • Psychological stress may or may not be unconscious. Some people are affected daily while others are confronted with it from time to time. This stress can be caused by various causes:harassment, job change, moving, exam, etc.
  • Physiological stress caused, for example, by illness or taking medication.

What stresses you out?

We all have to deal with stress at one time or another. But what are the reasons that cause us this unpleasant feeling? For the French, the four biggest sources of stress are professional life (36%), financial problems (35%), personal life (33%) and finally health concerns (31%).

What happens when you're stressed?

In the face of stress, our body secretes two hormones:adrenaline and cortisol. Stress-related symptoms are numerous and can be anecdotal or have serious consequences:

  • Physical symptoms :Stress provokes reactions in our body. This can result in muscle tension, digestive disorders, lack of sleep or appetite, and of course fatigue.
  • Psychological symptoms :in the face of stress, the brain is also subject to some disorders such as irritability, lack of self-confidence, concentration disorders, anxiety, lack of libido, depression and isolation .

How to relieve stress?

Do you feel stressed? Do not panic, there are many solutions to find serenity and fight against stress. You can do a sports activity, practice methods of relaxation such as yoga, meditation and relaxation. Alternative medicine can also help you in stressful situations. In diffusion, the essential oils of fine lavender, noble chamomile or rosewood facilitate relaxation.

Good stress or bad stress?

We tend to equate stress with a negative emotion, wrongly. In some cases, stress can have positive effects on our behavior.

  • This is called "good stress". You probably know someone who likes to work in a hurry, who sees their motivation stimulated in these situations. Maybe you yourself are this type of person, who likes to act under the influence of adrenaline.
  • On the contrary, what is called "bad stress", if not properly managed, can have consequences on the physical and psychological state of a person. Indeed, we do not all have the same abilities to face stress, whatever the cause. It is therefore also a story of personality.

Acute stress and chronic stress

Acute stress is caused by an unforeseen event on which we cannot necessarily act. It is also punctual and can therefore end quickly. It is not always negative and it is part of our daily lives. Chronic stress is a situation that lasts over time. It can be a repetition of stressful situations or an anxious personality. This stress is negative and exhausts the body.

Why good stress can be useful?

Stress is not necessarily harmful, quite the contrary! It may come as a surprise, but stress is not always a source of insomnia and stomach aches. Some studies suggest that acute stress has positive effects on our body. Faced with it, our body receives a boost of vitality. Among the benefits of good stress, we can mention the following:

  • Strengthening of the immune system.
  • Prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Increase in energy.
  • Increased motivation.
  • Consolidation of social ties.
  • Incitement to take action.

Yes, stress can be positive! This is particularly the case of acute (or temporary) stress. By learning to spot the symptoms, you can control the harmful stress, and take advantage of the one that gives you a boost.