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Use your travel time efficiently

Use your travel time efficiently

Transportation:no more boredom, use your time efficiently

Between the delays and the journeys that drag on, thinking about the time wasted every day in transport makes you want to scream? Before taking action (and out of consideration for the station staff who would cross your path at that time), why not see things differently? What if all this time could be used efficiently?

How much time do you spend in transport?

To get to your place of work, you probably need to use a means of transport (car, bus, metro, etc.). These travel times between your home and your place of work represent hours and hours. According to a study [1], the French spend an average of 3.5 hours per week in transport, or 6.6 days per year. Over an entire professional life, this transport time represents 326 days, i.e. almost a year! Imagine all you could do in a year…

However, these figures are averages. From one region to another, the time spent in transport can vary considerably. Unsurprisingly, the inhabitants of Ile-de-France are in the lead and spend more time in transport than those of other regions.

How to take advantage of the time spent in transport?

Do you feel like you're wasting your time in transport? Who tells you that this time is really wasted? Here are 6 examples of things to do in transit to make use of that unused time:

Prepare for your workday

During your commute, you can prepare for your meeting, rehearse your presentation, or build your to-do list. When you arrive at the office, you will be more serene before attacking your workday.

Reply to messages you leave lying around

If you have access to the Internet during your transport time (unless you are driving of course), take the opportunity to respond to emails and messages that you reject. For example, you can follow up with a collaborator, write a message that requires your time, etc.

Learn a new language

If it was time to develop a new talent? Learn German or Mandarin with language learning software. Even behind the wheel, this is possible. You will repeat out loud and progress even faster. There are plenty of apps for learning foreign languages:Babbel, Duolingo, Speekoo, Busuu…

Get your dose of culture

Bring a good book or listen to the latest album from your favorite artist. If you're driving, you can choose the audiobook option to get away.

Organize your privacy

The time spent in transport can be used to organize your personal life. You can take the opportunity to shop online, make a shopping list, wish your cousin's birthday, book a train ticket, concert tickets, sign up for a yoga class, call your parents, etc. Some apps make your life considerably easier:Listonic for your shopping, Saison to find out which fruits and vegetables are in season, Frigo Magic to get recipe ideas with what you have in the cupboards, TipStuff the family diary for busy families, Doodle to plan everything online, etc.

Make up for your lack of sleep

If your travel time permits, take the opportunity to take a nap or a short nap. Don't forget to set an alert so you don't wake up at the terminus.

Get started with meditation

Transportation can be stressful. Now is the perfect time to meditate. Create a bubble in this stressful universe. Get comfortable and do some breathing exercises. Relaxation guaranteed. What better way to start the day? For example, you can close your eyes, focus on your breathing, trying to lengthen your inhalation and exhalation more and more. Next, feel the pressure points of your body in your seat and the areas of tension in your body. Take a deep breath and release all those pressure areas.

We tend to demonize the time spent in transport by telling ourselves that it is a waste of time. Finally, once you're there, you might as well take the opportunity to meet people who can turn into friendships, or even love, who knows? And then exchanging a few hellos and a few smiles is always good for morale.

No more wasting time in transport! From now on, you will no longer see transport delays in the same way. The time spent on the journey between your home and your place of work can be useful if it is well exploited. You can even build skills, nurture your social relationships, or plan your vacations or weekends away. We start Monday morning?

[1] Euro Car Parts