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Organize your to-do list in these 4 categories

I'm very busy but I'm not going anywhere. What am I doing wrong?
Entrepreneurs say staying focused is a huge challenge. It is therefore essential to have an ongoing plan to keep you on track, a written plan that stays close at hand and indicates what you intend to accomplish each day.
I have booked an hour or so every Sunday evening to plan my week ahead. What am I going to focus on first thing on Monday? Then Tuesday, and so on. Who do I contact and why? What are my top priorities – no more than three – for the week, and what activities might distract me? The more detailed my schedule, the more prepared and focused I am. Engaging my priorities in words focuses me mentally.
Related: 8 Things Successful People Never Waste Time Despite, distractions can still derail you. I often find myself pulled in too many directions, reacting to phone calls, emails, and other things that pop up. The triage method below – touch things once and then pass – keeps me from getting overwhelmed.
1. Do it immediately.
If a task feeds my priorities, my time is justified.

Here's how to set priorities.

2. Delegate.
Someone else can and should do this to save me time. Even micro-business owners can benefit from an intern or temporary worker.

Here's how to delegate, the smart way.

3. Forget it.
I wonder, Will this make me money now or at any time in the future? Does it meet my current priorities? If the answer is no, I throw it away.

Here's how to focus on your personal growth.

4. Differ.
Some elements may appeal, but are not time-sensitive or prioritized. Delay them until a more convenient time.
Jenn Lee, a small business coach based in Orlando, Florida, says her biggest waste of time involves dozens of mini-projects each week. “I used to try to squeeze them between phone calls, emails and Facebook posts, but there were days when I left my desk without accomplishing anything. Something had to change. So Lee sets aside 25-minute blocks each day, one for each of the three key tasks she needs to complete. “I look at everything I need to do and assign them one of my blocks of time dedicated to that task. I set up three a day, usually two in the morning when my brain works best on creative things, and one in the late afternoon to finish. Knowing that I've put time into each task means I don't worry all day and get better results because I'm focused. Another time-consuming aspect of Lee's business was helping customers who, for whatever reason, couldn't be helped. One client “never did what I advised her to do,” she says. “As a coach, a big part of what drives me is seeing entrepreneurs succeed after getting clarity and guidance from me. But when I work with someone who is not moving forward, it drives me crazy. Eventually, Lee told the client that she couldn't work with her anymore. "Since then, I've been very careful who I work with," she says. “Before taking on clients, I ask a series of guiding questions. Their answers help me see if I would like to work with them. Working with the right client saves me time, and we all need time to get everything done. »

Here's how to be more productive

Related: 19 Motivational Quotes to Help You Finish
Editor's Note:This article originally appeared in Jamuary 2015 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and completeness.