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How Google's new tasks help you manage your to-do list

Google has cleaned up its legacy Google Tasks tool and unveiled a new look. The goal of Google Tasks has historically been to keep you organized with your to-dos. Adding tasks and managing lists is easy with this new task management app.

While it doesn't rival Todoist's 11 Todoist features, you may have missed 11 Todoist Features You May Have Missed Todoist is a powerful task manager. Are you using it to its full potential? Get the most out of Todoist and check out the features you may have missed. Read More

What's new with Google Tasks??

The first Google Tasks experience launched in 2009 and had a positive launch.

The tool has always been simple. It allows you to add tasks, notes and create new lists for all your projects. Google Tasks' basic approach has caught a lot of eyes, even with users like YouTuber MKBHD using it as their daily driver.

How Google s new tasks help you manage your to-do list

Since the days of old Google Tasks, Google has stepped things up. Eight years later, they have created something quite interesting..

The goal of the classic Google Tasks was to help organize the tasks within your Gmail account. You can access your to-do list from your inbox and stay on top of your to-dos. The design was never awarded. But Google never put all its attention into updating this.

But what has changed in the application?

Google Tasks hasn't changed too much in terms of features. The ability to create lists and manage tasks is very similar. But in the last 2-3 years, the design started to feel very outdated. However, the new Gmail redesign brought about a change, and the new Google Tasks seem much more streamlined for managing your daily tasks.

How Google s new tasks help you manage your to-do list

With the new Google Tasks, simplicity is key..

The main motivation for people who move to tasks is this very reason. With a busy 21st century routine and so many task managers to choose from. Google Tasks scratches an itch. With the lack of complexity, combined with the feel of Google and the close links of to-dos with Gmail and Google Calendar. Your life, two tools are indispensable:your calendar and your to-do list. But most task management solutions keep these two things separate. We will show you how to combine them. Read More

The bad news is that Google Tasks started without a separate web app. The only way to access tasks is through the new Gmail dashboard. If it fails, you can enjoy the full download on iOS and Android. The shame is that there is no sign of a web application to manage your tasks.

Create your first task list in Google Tasks

To create your first list, view your lists and select “Create a new list” .

The new lists are essential for organizing tasks across multiple projects. Creating a list per project is a good way to keep everything in order. Many Google Tasks users keep things simple, with a list for personal activities and a list for work tasks.

How Google s new tasks help you manage your to-do list

Once you've created a new list, managing tasks is easy.

To add tasks to the list, select “Add a task” and write what happens next. If you're in a hurry, tasks will allow you to add multiple tasks and pressing enter will add them to the list.

How Google s new tasks help you manage your to-do list

Once you've added a task, you can add some context points. You can add details, a due date, and even subtasks to help you break down tasks to tasks. The information is easy to add and from here you can move the task to another list.

How Google s new tasks help you manage your to-do list

This is ideal if your goal is to add the location of the event or even some errands to the task itself. Links and other similar information will work in the "details" section as well. Within Google Tasks, you can't create a recurring reminder. However, Google must add this in time, allowing you to set repeating or routine tasks.

How Google s new tasks help you manage your to-do list

Once you're satisfied, you can go back to list view and view your tasks, including child tasks. This is the Google Tasks app extension through the Gmail web panel. The iOS and Android experience is nearly identical, just in the portrait format for your smartphones.

How Google s new tasks help you manage your to-do list

Add a new email as t0-do. The magic of having tasks right next to your Gmail dashboard is when you want to add a new email as a task.

Desde Gmail, puede arrastrar nuevos correos electrónicos a la lista de tareas. Esto los creará como una tarea pendiente, con el título del correo electrónico como nombre de su tarea. En todos los correos electrónicos, habrá un botón titulado “Añadir como tarea” Para ayudar a hacer esto manualmente, arrastre libre. Dentro de su lista de tareas, verá un botón que enlaza directamente con el hilo del correo electrónico. Perfecto para los amantes del correo electrónico.

Gestiona tus listas de tareas en las tareas de Google

Dentro de la barra de menú en Google Tasks hay una función de clasificación. los “Ordenar por” La sección le ayuda a optimizar su vista, por lo que es perfecta para organizar su próxima tarea. Puedes tomar dos enfoques:

Mi pedido le permite ver sus tareas en el orden en que se colocan. En cualquier momento, puede reorganizar las tareas arrastrándolas y soltándolas..

Fecha usa fechas de vencimiento para la clasificación y esto puede ser útil para aquellos con fechas límite.

Las tareas recuerdan cómo las organiza para que siempre pueda regresar a la vista Mi pedido para ver su lista ordenada.

How Google s new tasks help you manage your to-do list

Finalmente, a medida que complete las tareas pendientes dentro de Tareas, comenzará a dejar un rastro de elementos completados. Puede eliminar todos estos pulsando el Eliminar todas las tareas completadas Dentro del botón de configuración en cada lista.

Aprende los atajos de teclado. Puede ver los atajos de teclado dentro de la barra de menú de tres puntos. Pero solo se puede utilizar en la web del panel de Gmail..

  • Puedes usar Espacio completar o no completar los elementos.
  • Utilizar Shift + Enter para ingresar los detalles de la tarea y las tareas de sangría o no deseadas usando las teclas de corchete, Comando + [ o Comando +] .
  • Para agregar nuevas tareas usa Entrar o Comando + Enter para sub-tareas.
  • Utilizar Comando + Z Deshacer y la última acción será revertida..

Para aquellos amantes de la administración de Gmail y las tareas de Google, los métodos abreviados de teclado pueden ahorrar mucho tiempo..

¿Cómo se compara Google Tasks??

Las nuevas tareas de Google introdujeron una nueva forma para que los amantes de las aplicaciones de Google administren sus tareas. Combine todas sus tareas con Google Keep y Google Calendar, y su productividad podría agradecérselo. Pero, ¿cómo se compara Tareas con los grandes gestores de tareas??

En primer lugar, Tasks no apunta a competir con los corredores principales como Todoist y OmniFocus. ¡Esa es la cuestión! Google Tasks tiene un competidor principal real:Microsoft To-Do.

Si aún no tienes un administrador de tareas, vale la pena explorar las tareas de Google en iOS o Android, pero también hay muchas alternativas para probar. Si Google Tasks no es su taza de té, recomendamos TickTick. Por qué TickTick es la mejor aplicación de tareas para Android. Por qué TickTick es la mejor aplicación de tareas para Android. De manera oportuna, y TickTick es la mejor aplicación para el trabajo. Lea más o recuerde la leche La mejor aplicación para hacer:por qué recordar la leche gana La mejor aplicación para hacer:por qué recordar la leche gana Recuerde que la leche es una de las mejores aplicaciones disponibles para la actualidad. ¿Pero cómo lo hace contra Wrike,, Todoist, Microsoft To-Do y Google Tasks? Read more.