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How to manage your vacation budget?

How to manage your vacation budget?

Our advice for a controlled travel budget.

Have you anticipated your holiday budget? To go on a trip serenely, without checking your bank application every 5 minutes, a minimum of preparation is necessary. With a well-managed budget, you can even experience a vacation that rhymes with pleasure!

We get organized

A good preparation beforehand will allow you to leave without stress. You will know what you have in your pocket to enjoy, offer you extras, etc. Lack of organization, on the other hand, can completely ruin your vacation, especially if you find that you can no longer do anything a few days after your arrival. Here are our tips for a successful organization:

  • Choose a destination based on your financial means: the cost of living can vary greatly from country to country, city to city. For example, it is much higher in the United States or Norway than in Morocco or Spain. So check what the standard of living is in the destinations you are interested in. Then make your choice. The site allows you to make an estimate of expenses on site according to many criteria.
  • Compare means of transport :your budget will allow you to know which one will be the most suitable for your holidays. Is it more interesting to take the car, the train or the plane? Will you have to rent a vehicle and travel by public transport? Thanks to the site, you can compare all the means of transport among carpooling, plane, bus, train and car, and make your choice according to your budget.
  • Compare accommodations :it all depends on your desires, your way of seeing the holidays, but also your budget. The latter will not be the same for going to an all-inclusive club as for renting an apartment on Airbnb or sleeping with locals. It's up to you to choose the accommodation that suits your desires and your budget. If you are going with several people, sharing the costs can be very interesting.
  • Fixyou have a daily budget :if you know in advance how much you can spend per day, you will not have bad surprises on the spot. For this, we must take into account the currency and the standard of living of the country. The site allows you to know the cost of living in a foreign country compared to France. Remember to visit to convert currencies.
  • Allow yourself extras :plan a small envelope reserved for extras (purchase of souvenirs, an unexpected restaurant, entry to the zoo, a water park, etc.).

Have you considered the additional costs?

The holiday budget is often much more important than you think. To control your budget, you must take into account in your calculation all the additional expenses:the purchase of clothes especially for the stay, the care products, the visas, the vaccines, the insurances, the reservation of a parking space at the airport.

We manage your budget once there

You have finally determined your budget and you are ready to leave to take full advantage of this well-deserved and long-awaited vacation. To avoid unpleasant surprises, here are some tips for managing your budget on site:

  • Negotiate prices :In many countries, bargaining is a common custom. Traders offer you very high prices, because you are a tourist. That's the game ! Do not hesitate to negotiate within reason, taking into account the local cost of living.
  • Have cash :if your card does not allow you to withdraw, disaster is assured. Remember to take change for your trip.
  • Download the right apps :we agree, during the holidays, we let go of the screens, we disconnect and we enjoy the present moment. That said, there are a few great apps to help you manage your vacation budget. Tricount :the app you need to download if you go away with friends. The latter allows you to know where you are in terms of expenses and what each must reimburse the other.
  • Smart Budget :this app classifies your budget by item of expenditure (food, leisure, housing, etc.).
  • Budgi :the app that lets you know if you're sticking to the budget you've set.
  • XE Currency :this app is essential if you need to know the exchange rate in the country where you are.

The success of your vacation depends on budget management. A good control of expenses will allow you to avoid unpleasant surprises and unforeseen costs. If you manage your budget well, you can even afford a few little extras. Because holidays are also about letting go and having fun.