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How to sync your Google calendar with your to-do list

When It Comes To Organizing Your Life 6 Project Management Tips You Can Use To Organize Your Life 6 Project Management Tips You Can Use To Organize Your Life Project management is the profession of getting things done. Our tips will help you apply a project manager's perspective, skills, and tools to organize your own life. Read More Knowledge what you have to do and when You need to do it so that nothing is forgotten..

But most task management solutions keep these two things separate. Sure, you can see your due dates in the to-do list app, but wouldn't it be better to see them in your calendar, where all your events are listed?

This is how you can. In the examples below, we will use Google Calendar.

Why Google Calendar??

First, because it is extremely popular. Almost everyone already has a personal or work Gmail account, and that means they also have Google Calendar.

Second, because Google Calendar can sync with just about anything. If you prefer to use iCal, you can easily sync them. Fantastic? Windows Calendar How to Sync Your Google Calendar with the Windows 10 Taskbar How to Sync Your Google Calendar with the Windows 10 Taskbar It wasn't always possible to sync your Google Calendar with the Windows Calendar app. Since the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, you can even manage your Google, iCloud, and Outlook calendars from the taskbar. We show you how. Read more ? No problem. Synchronizing them can be done in a couple of easy steps. For this reason, Google Calendar is a great central place to manage your to-do list.

And last but not least, Google Calendar works with IFTTT and Zapier, which means you can make it work with just about any other app.

The easiest option:Google Tasks

As you might expect, the Google Tasks app. How New Google Tasks help you manage your to-do list. How New Google Tasks help you manage your to-do list. Google Tasks has a new look. It's so easy to organize your tasks in your Gmail inbox. Read More is tightly integrated with Google Calendar. It's not an advanced task management system, and it doesn't offer many features. But if you just need a place to write down what you need to do and want to see the due dates on your calendar, it will do the job.

To access tasks, go to and click Tasks under My calendars in the left sidebar. If you don't see the Tasks link, click the down arrow next to Reminders and select Switch to tasks .

How to sync your Google calendar with your to-do list

You'll now see your task list to the right of the calendar, as well as reminders on the days you scheduled tasks.

How to sync your Google calendar with your to-do list

You can also open Tasks in Gmail by clicking the dropdown menu in the top left (it says “Mail” when you're looking at your inbox). Tasks appear as an instant message.

How to sync your Google calendar with your to-do list

And if you want to see the tasks in full size, go to You won't get any more features, but you will have a full tab to work with.

In any view, click the right-pointing arrow next to a task to add a due date. You can also add notes or assign it to a specific list. Once you've assigned a due date, you'll see that task on Google Calendar. It's as simple as that.

How to sync your Google calendar with your to-do list

Synchronize your to-do list with Google calendar

Are you already using a different task manager (perhaps one of the best Mac reminder apps 10 Mac Reminder Apps That Beat Apple Reminders 10 Mac Reminder Apps That Beat Apple Reminders? Looking for some Mac reminder apps that outperform Apple Reminders? These alternatives provide more features and help you keep track of all your tasks. Read More)? Chances are high that you can sync it with Google Calendar. I'm currently using Remember the Milk, for example, and I can sync it just by adding the Google Calendar gadget:

How to sync your Google calendar with your to-do list

Wunderlist is just as easy. Just open the app and go to Preferences> Account . From there, you can click. Calendar Feed:Connect . You can open another calendar app, but you can copy and paste the calendar feed URL into Google calendar to sync.

Most other task management apps also have some sort of calendar integration. Trello has its own calendar view. Evernote can sync with calendar and to-do list apps.

For just about any task management system, there's a good way to sync it with the built-in Google Calendar. Just check the app's documentation to find out how to sync it.

Going down the custom path:using an automation service

If your system can't sync with Google Calendar, you have another option. Zapier and IFTTT can connect a whole host of apps, and many of them let you sync Google Calendar. For example, here are the task list and project management apps that Zapier supports:

  • Asanas
  • Todoist
  • Wunderlist
  • Google Tasks
  • Omnifocus
  • Producteev
  • Toodledo
  • Plan of the week
  • Nozbe
  • Remember the milk
  • Verifier
  • Focuser
  • Zenkit (beta)

Setting up an automation using Zapier or IFTTT is super easy. In most cases, one has already been created, and all you need to do is add it to your account. Here's one that adds Evernote reminders to your Google calendar:

How to sync your Google calendar with your to-do list

Other to-do apps can also be integrated. IFTTT allows you to add your follow up reminders to Google Calendar so you can always see who you need to email and when.

And with Multi-Step Zaps Create Awesome Life Automations with Multi-Step Zaps Create Awesome Life Automations with Multi-Step Zaps Zapier, IFTTT's biggest competitor, announced that it now offers users the ability to create multi-action automations called multiple steps. zaps Read More

A completely different option

If you are a fan of time blocking:the secret weapon for better focus Time blocking:the secret weapon for better focus Are you looking for a more efficient way to organize your work days? Try time lock. This time management tactic can help you stay on track while keeping distractions, procrastination, and unproductive multitasking at bay. Learn more and with very specific scheduling, you might be interested in Sorted, a new app that makes it easy to schedule all your tasks in one day. Just add your tasks, use gestures to rearrange them, and you'll see when you need to get things done.

As of this moment, Sorted does not support synchronization with Google Calendar. However, the developers have stated that calendar integration is very high on their list of features to add. Until then, though, you could use Tidy as your main calendar app.

How do you stay in sync?

There are many ways to sync your to-do list with Google Calendar. However, the degree to which you want to sync it up, and how much detail you want to share between the two, largely depends on your own personal task management system.

If you need a lot of detail, syncing a powerful app like Omnifocus (an excellent GTD app) or Producteev may be the way to go. Do you like to keep things simple? Google Tasks or Wunderlist might be more your style.

How do you keep your tasks and calendar in sync? What are your favorite applications? Share your thoughts in the comments below!