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The Trello killer transforms your Kanban board into a to-do list and calendar with Zenkit

When the people at Toyota invented the “Kanban Method” How to Manage Tasks with the Japanese Kanban Technique How to Manage Tasks with the Japanese Kanban Technique Kanban is a Japanese recipe for getting things done. It is an organization technique originally developed for the Toyota production line. We show you how you can implement it for yourself or on your team. Read More,” little did they know it would spread so widely. The simple movement system of making "cards" from one column to the next has become popular, and how. Trello is the undisputed king of Kanban apps. But Zenkit could just dethrone the king.

Zenkit It includes the best features of Trello, and then adds other productivity systems. So not only do you get the Kanban process, but you also get a task list and calendar view. And the "table" view is a game changer for anyone with a lot on their plate.

So what makes Zenkit a Trello killer, and not just another contender for the crown? Let's dive to find out.

Update: Now you can use Zenkit on all your devices. Zenkit has also added new features, including a fully customizable control panel and new keyboard shortcuts. All desktop and mobile apps allow you to work offline with Zenkit.

Download: Zenkit for Windows | Macs | Linux | Android | iPhone/iPad | Windows (application)

Making a game with Trello

On the Kanban side, Zenkit works exactly like Trello. Create a task, add it to one of three columns, i.e. To Do, In Progress or Done. You are free to rename the columns and add more, if that is how you use Trello.

Each card or task you create can have a lot of additional information. You can also add attachments, up to 1 GB of total space on the free plan. Paid plans raise your limits.

And just like with Trello, sharing your collections and tasks with teammates is an integral part of Zenkit.

The four pillars of productivity

Where Zenkit scores over Trello is in the top five display modes.

  1. Kan-ban - A simple Kanban board, where you can move tasks and add or remove columns.
  2. List - A list of to-do's you need to do, organized by due date.
  3. Calendar - A calendar view of all your scheduled tasks.
  4. Table - A table of all tasks, which you can sort based on any parameters, such as important, status, estimated time, and more.
  5. Mind map - Get an overview of how all your tasks relate to each other.

The Trello killer transforms your Kanban board into a to-do list and calendar with Zenkit

We suggest you start your project with the mind map to turn your idea into an organized overview of all that it entails.

A combination of productivity systems

View modes are combined with several popular productivity methods.

Expiration date - The easiest system to sort a to-do list is by due date. And why not? If you're generally organized, that's all you need. The list view, in that case, shows you exactly what you need to do next, always keeping you in focus.

The Trello killer transforms your Kanban board into a to-do list and calendar with Zenkit

Prioritization tasks - The most important part of any to-do list is prioritizing the items on it. If you do the dumb things first and get burned, what's the point? Zenkit prompts you to assign a low, medium, or high priority status to each task. There are different methods of prioritizing your tasks, so choose whichever works for you.

Time estimate - Time management is a big hurdle in getting to your list. For each task, Zenkit asks you to add an estimate of how long it will take. I would suggest adding another custom field for "Time Taken" to write how many hours it actually took. By doing this regularly, you'll improve your estimate of the work you can accomplish in a day and schedule your tasks accordingly.

This approach gives the user great flexibility. Some productivity tools are rigid in how the user can sort their own data. On the other hand, Zenkit allows the user to make their own choice and figure out how to make things work for themselves.

Ideal for teams because productivity is subjective

This is what no productivity guru is ready to admit. Productivity systems are subjective. Maybe the Pomodoro technique works for you, maybe you need to visualize your goals on a Kanban board, or maybe you're a fan of the “Don't break the chain” method. As long as you're working, that's what matters.

And in a team, different people will have different methods that they prefer. Yes, it is wonderful that Trello allows you to create a task calendar for the whole team. But if a person doesn't like Kanban, they get stuck with a productivity system that is counterproductive for them.

The Trello killer transforms your Kanban board into a to-do list and calendar with Zenkit

Zenkit breaks that barrier, which is crucial to moving a team forward. If you don't like Kanbans, just use the to-do list. Maybe the chart method helps you get things done based only on time management or priority tasks. Use it as you wish, with the knowledge that you are not imposing that system on the rest of your team.

Zenkit also told MakeUseOf that the company will launch a "global dashboard" soon. This will be a single page view of all your items in collections and teams, providing an overview of all your projects.

Some problems persist

No software is perfect, and Zenkit is no exception. At this time, there is no mobile app for Zenkit, although the developers say an iOS version will arrive in March and an Android version in May. That's one of the areas where Trello has a huge advantage right now, and I can't see people switching to Zenkit entirely without the availability of mobile apps. Meanwhile, the developers kept their promise and released Zenkit apps for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, and Linux. You'll find the download links at the top of this article.

There are some minor features missing from Zenkit. Chief among these is the ability to color code your tasks. Kanbans are about visual management, and color cards are wonderful for visualizing your work. If that's a Trello feature you love, you'll miss it in Zenkit.

The Trello killer transforms your Kanban board into a to-do list and calendar with Zenkit

Should you switch to Zenkit?

The big question at the end of all this is whether you should stick with Trello or switch to Zenkit. We suggest basing your decision on a few different factors.

First of all, what about all your existing Trello boards? Well don't worry because Zenkit has created a Trello import tool.

You should switch to Zenkit if:

  • You use Trello only from the desktop.
  • You love Kanban but you also use other productivity methods..
  • You like data and you want to investigate the data on your to-do list carefully.

You should stick with Trello if:

  • You have purchased Trello Gold.
  • Your whole team is happy with Trello..
  • You need mobile applications.

What do you think about Zenkit? Are you happy with Trello right now or are you looking for a good alternative to Trello? Goodbye Trello! 5 Free Kanban Board Tools Goodbye, Trello! 5 Free Alternative Kanban Board Tools Trello is an amazing app for managing projects and organizing your tasks. But there are other kanban apps that could be ideal for your tasks. Let's talk about the best Trello alternatives. Read more ?