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How to Manage Tasks Using the Japanese Kanban Technique

Whether you're working as part of a large team, or just trying to handle a multitude of tasks by yourself, it's easy for a large number of smaller jobs to become a chore. If that sounds familiar, try introducing Kanban into your workflow to see if it lightens the load.

By breaking down jobs step by step and laying them out visually, Kanban helps people understand the progress they are making and establish where there is room for improvement. Despite having its roots in automotive manufacturing, the core concepts behind this strategy can be applied to a wide range of work environments.

It's relatively easy to set up and could have a marked positive effect on your daily work life. Use this guide to set up your schedule and start implementing Kanban.

What is kanban?

Kanban is a business practice established in the 1940s by Taiichi Ohno, who was an industrial engineer trying to streamline daily workflow at Japanese auto giant Toyota. Looking at the thought process behind restocking shelves in supermarkets, Ohno developed a method of using a linear process with clearly defined boundaries to Control the effect of bottlenecks on productivity. .

The basic setup of a Kanban schedule breaks down the given process into its component steps. Individual tasks, typically represented by Post-it notes or a digital equivalent, move from left to right through columns that are labeled with each step's name and a number.

This number, determined by the scheduler, represents the number of tasks that the team or person responsible for that stage of production can handle at any given time. The tasks in each column are divided into two groups; in progress, or complete. When a task is complete, the next production stage can claim it and move it to the next column, but only if there is enough capacity to do so.

A public Kanban board gives your entire team an overview of the project from start to finish, rather than having their workflow knowledge pigeonholed to their own stage of production. From a managerial perspective, this can help. assign staff where they are needed most , but also helps people determine where assistance is needed on a more informal and ongoing basis.

Setting up a Kanban scheduler using Trello

If you're just getting started with Kanban, and especially if you're introducing it to a group unfamiliar with the concept, it's best to make sure the tools you're using are as simple and accessible as possible. While it does have certain limitations that might deter Kanban purists, project management and more 10 Unique Uses Of Trello Other Than Project Management 10 Unique Uses Of Trello Other Than Project Management Trello is a treat for those lovers. His Kanban-style approach was not intended just for project management. Don't you believe us? Check out these ten unique uses of Trello. Read More Trello tool is a great option to get things off the ground.

To get started, sign up for a Trello account. Once done, create a new table and start creating lists. Each list will represent a column of your Kanban workflow, so name each one after a stage in the process you're monitoring. For my example, I've used the various steps to create and publish an article, but these can be interchanged for any project you're working on.

How to Manage Tasks Using the Japanese Kanban Technique

The key is those important numbers in the header of each column. To get started, feel free to place placeholders and modify them as you get a feel for your process. You probably don't really know how much can flow through each stage of the project at any one time until you've worked with it. Kanban for a moment, especially if you're using the strategy as part of a team.

Once these are in place, you can create cards that represent individual tasks, which will then be transferred from list to list as appropriate. It's crucial for anyone using the whiteboard to keep these cards organized How to Keep Trello Lists More Organized with Card Decks How to Keep Trello Lists More Organized with Card Decks Trello organization can get out of hand quickly, but it can do your life easier by using the card Image covers as visual cues. Read More

However, for the system to work as intended, there must be a method of distinguishing tasks that have completed a particular stage of the process from those that are still in progress. In Trello, tags are the easiest way to keep track of this; I've used a green tag to indicate that a task is ready for the next stage, and a yellow tag to indicate that it's still being worked on, make sure only one tag is applied to a given card to avoid confusion.

How to Manage Tasks Using the Japanese Kanban Technique

Above, you can see my Trello board example in action:notice that the task in the Write column hasn't moved yet, as there is no more capacity in the Edit stage. When another of the yellow tagged tasks completes and is re-tagged accordingly, that task will be moved and its status changed.

Using Kanban as a team

Although it can be used individually, the original implementation of Kanban was as a method to ensure that groups function as a cohesive unit. 5 Google Sheets Setup Essential for Teamwork. 5 Google Sheet Configuration It is essential for Teamwork. Data entry and processing you can think of. We'll introduce you to the functions and features of Google Sheets that are essential for group projects. Read more . It may seem like overused advice, but communication and teamwork are two of the most important facets in making this strategy a success in your workplace.

Most digital means of running a Kanban workflow, including Trello, offer some method of leaving comments or messages for other users. While overuse can result in a sea of ​​white noise, it's important that workers throughout the process take full advantage of the communication tools these platforms offer.

How to Manage Tasks Using the Japanese Kanban Technique

This fuels the crucial importance of teamwork. The crux of the Kanban system is that it gives anyone looking at the calendar an immediate idea of ​​where a bottleneck is forming. This is where it pays to have colleagues who work across multiple disciplines; If a process step is slowing down production, reassign some of your team to help.

Depending on the layout of your workplace, the best way to convey this information may be through an instant messaging client. Slack is a powerful tool for any office, and it's even better when it's equipped with bots that can automate certain processes. 14 Best Automated Bots You Need for Your Slack Channel. 14 Best Automated Bots You Need for Your Slack Channel. you can set up Slack and have robots do the housework 24/7 while you get on with more important things, like conquering the world. Read more.

Using Kanban as an individual

Using Kanban while flying just has a thoughtful quality and helps you avoid major bottlenecks in your workflow. Instead of focusing on where your resources are being deployed like you would with a group, you should look at what stages of your work tend to slow down the overall process.

One of the advantages of working with Kanban on your own is that you are not limited by a digital programmer. These options are great when you're working collaboratively, but the convenience of a physical calendar can be advantageous if you're the only one who needs access.

How to Manage Tasks Using the Japanese Kanban Technique

Using a combination of a pad and some Post-it notes, or even a bulletin board that you can hang on your office wall for easy reference, removes any technical complications from Kanban principles. It's not for everyone, but sometimes a paper-and-pencil solution is preferable. 6 Simple Reasons Why Paper Can Still Be Your Killer Productivity App 6 Simple Reasons Why Paper Can Still Be Your Killer Productivity App Paper can be a more powerful tool for productivity than a computer or touch device, and should not be immediately discarded. Not convinced? Here are six reasons why the role is still relevant. Read More

Other Kanban tools

Trello is a good way to kick-start and run a basic Kanban process, but you may want to expand once you've found your footing. Leankit is one such solution that offers a 30-day free trial, and specializes in supporting the Kanban methodology, as well as other strategies like the ever-popular Scrum technique Scrumy - Finally, a truly simple project management app for Scrumy groups - Finally, a simple truth Project management application for groups Read more .

There are also specific options for Kanban. Kanbanery offers a smart user interface with very little to distract from your work, with free plans available for teams with fewer than two members, charitable organizations, or open source projects. Meanwhile, KanbanFlow offers comprehensive mobile tools and powerful Pomodoro integration to enhance a very strong core product.

Have you had success implementing Kanban in your workplace? Are you learning about strategy for the first time and have more questions? Share your experiences and queries in the comments section below.