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Step into your best future with the power of choice

Classify this one as really weird and gross science:according to research published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B this summer, a mind-controlling parasite found in cat feces may give people the courage they need to become entrepreneurs.
And here, I thought, was the motivation and inspiration for quarterly magazines.
According to the report, a collaboration between professors of business and biology at the University of Colorado, people infected with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii are more likely to take risks. This parasite, which is supposed to affect neurotransmitters, makes rodents not afraid of cats (and thus become easy prey for these same felines). It is found in 30 million Americans, who typically have very minor symptoms, if any.
Of the nearly 1,500 student subjects who took a saliva test as part of the study, infected people were 1.4 times more likely to be commercial majors. Among adults tested at entrepreneurship seminars, those infected were 1.8 times more likely to have already started their own business.

The Healthy Business Issue is for people who want to start and grow successful businesses and live well while reaping huge rewards.

The moral of the story, I guess, is to have a cat. But, since I'm more of a dog person, I'd like to offer an alternative… how about we focus on building more resolve for ourselves rather than letting the mind control parasites run the show?
If you read this magazine, chances are you want more in life. You are already an entrepreneur or you are planning to quit your day job and become passionate. Do the math yourself. Write the pros and cons for yourself. And if you're still feeling so daring, go for it!
We welcome a few new columnists to this issue, including some very familiar faces, like Tony Robbins and Simon T. Bailey. But I want to make sure you also watch the first track of an old HIT editor, Amy Anderson. We've dubbed her The YouEconomist, and she'll be writing in every issue for her fellow solopreneurs who have taken the plunge. The big lesson of his first column? Now is the time to do it for you. There have never been more and better opportunities to go it alone and control your time and economic future.
This is a special issue of SUCCESS . It aims to help you make the best decisions for your mind, body and soul. The Healthy Business Issue is for people who want to start and grow successful businesses and live well while reaping huge rewards.
From our profile of Dr. Mehmet Oz to fitness superstar Jillian's gracious guide to aging Michaels or Matt Crossman's essay on fostering boldness in business and beyond, this issue is packed with ideas, insights and solutions to help you get the most out of your life and career.
Don't let anyone or anything – be it an opposing friend or a microscopic parasite – determine your future. Choose to embark on a bigger and better life. You deserve it.

This article originally appeared in the Winter 2018 issue of LadiesBelle I/O magazine.