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How a Do It Later List Can Save You From To-Do List Hell

The science of time management has shown that multitasking is not the best way to be productive. One or more multitasking:Which is best for productivity? unique vs. Multitasking:What's Best for Productivity? Multitasking is a common method to increase productivity. Turns out it's not necessarily the silver bullet for productivity. The key is knowing when to multitask. Read more . A packed to-do list can be mentally draining. So your next step is simple:narrow your focus down to one thing .

But what do you do with the millions of other tasks that require your attention? The trick is to keep using your to-do list as it is, but with one important trick.

The power of a “Do it later” List

You have a master to-do list full of immediate tasks. Hopefully, you've prioritized them and given each of them a due date. It's also vital to have another list on the side to help clear your head by eliminating all the tasks you don't have the motivation to complete right now.

The “Do it later” list or the “Maybe” list fills this role.

How a Do It Later List Can Save You From To-Do List Hell

In short, it is a dump of ideas and actions that you may want to do someday. Digital tools like Evernote and OneNote can help you create a “Do Later” list. My preferred choice is Trello for two reasons:

  • You can drag and drop cards into a list to set priority.
  • You can use the calendar power-up to check the “Do it later” list on a fixed date.

Put each of your subsequent actions on a list of Trello cards. You can give cards in Trello an expiration date and whether to enable the free Calendar Power Up , You can check the calendar to see what tasks need to be done on specific days.

With the calendar power-up in Trello, you can:

  1. Drag and drop cards between calendar days to quickly change their due date.
  2. Switch between week and month modes for a specific view or a bird's-eye view of cards.
  3. Haga clic para ampliar los días calendario para una visualización completa de las tarjetas.

Es importante adjuntar una fecha futura a estas tareas porque puede revisarlas más adelante para ver si aún está comprometido con ellas. El siguiente paso es traerlos (o una de sus partes secundarias) a su lista de tareas principal o extender su fecha de vencimiento.

los “Hazlo después” Enumere la ayuda que realmente toma su tiempo con una actividad y decida si vale la pena continuar ahora o más adelante..