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Get organized with Google's best to-do apps for Windows

Google Tasks is an amazing tool to organize your life and it's available on your Windows desktop. Five killer ways to use Google Tasks. Five killer ways to use Google Tasks. If you're like me, you spend more time managing your tasks than you actually do. they. It's all about multiple lists, offline access, and keeping your tasks on the go. Since we last took a look... Read More The Windows Store comes loaded with task managers, which vary wildly in quality. And the reviews aren't great. But out of the myriad of Microsoft Stores, which offer the best features?

This is a roundup of the best paid or free apps within the Windows Store that sync with Google's Google Tasks service.

What's cool about Windows Tasks and the Microsoft Store?

With the Windows Store, users can automatically copy and sync their apps across multiple Windows platforms, as long as they use a Microsoft login. 5 Security tips to keep in mind when using a Microsoft account. 5 Security tips to keep in mind when using a Microsoft account. of the new Windows 8 user interface without a Microsoft account. The account to log into your computer is now an online account. This raises security concerns. Read more . Even through device crashes and updates, a user's apps and settings can follow them.

Similarly, Google Tasks offers the simplest cross-platform task synchronization service out there. It even works offline in the Chrome browser. Turn Google Tasks into a task management suite With Google Tasks Offline [Chrome] Turn Google Tasks into a task management suite with Google Tasks Offline [Chrome] Using Google Tasks Offline Google is like a love-hate relationship. The problem with using Google Tasks directly in Google Calendar or within Google Mail is that the design and user interface are extremely simplified and... Learn more! Together, these combine to create a robust, cross-platform system for capturing all tasks and distributing them across all your devices, with minimal effort.

Top 7 Google Task Apps in the Windows Store

Hot Tasks (Free)

Hot Tasks adds additional functionality to Google's task service:it automatically increases the color temperature of a task as it nears its due date. Hot Tasks refers to this as hot:the more urgent a task is, the more red it appears.

In addition to its clever design, Hot Tasks offers great visual style, reduced eye strain (avoid blue lights at night What is a blue light filter and which app works best? What is a blue light filter and which app works best? Your phone screen stays awake. Don't let it. These apps will help you get a good night's rest. Learn more) and a built-in tutorial. Also, dark themes hurt. AMOLED displays less. Save your screen:how to avoid burn-in on AMOLED screens. Save your screen:how to avoid burn-in on AMOLED screens. Does the screen of your device suffer from burns? Do you just want to keep your screen healthy for a long time? Then you will want to read this article. Read More Unfortunately, Hot Tasks doesn't integrate with Google Calendar.

Get organized with Google s best to-do apps for Windows


  • Free, with ads.
  • Gorgeous design
  • Optimized night
  • Easy to configure
  • Clear instructions
  • Drag and drop user interface
  • Smart design that highlights tasks as they are completed.


  • No Google Calendar integration

Great Task Pro (Free or $4.49)

Big Task comes with a paid version and a free version. There are not many differences between free and paid, although the free version puts a limit on the total number of synchronizations and shows advertising at the bottom of the screen.

Great Task offers an elegant distribution of tasks, along with a list of tasks organized separately, according to the due date. Unfortunately, it doesn't integrate with Google Calendar in any way.

Get organized with Google s best to-do apps for Windows


  • More functional design
  • Tasks organized by due date
  • The free version (with ads) is relatively feature rich
  • Combined task list, which improves the standard Google tasks
  • Drag and drop interface


  • Relatively expensive ($4.49)
  • No Google Calendar integration
  • Limited number of lists in free version.
  • Sync cap in the free version
  • Advertising in the free version.

gTasks HD Pro (Free or $3.49)

gTasks HD comes in paid and free versions. The free and paid versions offer similar functionality. However, the paid version can only inhabit two devices. You can also only manage two different lists, per account, and only seven tasks per list. This limitation makes the free version of limited use. However, the paid version only costs $3.49, so it's by no means a budget-breaker.

Get organized with Google s best to-do apps for Windows


  • Shows tasks within Windows Live Tiles
  • Full access to the list of functions available in Google Tasks
  • Pop-up reminders of upcoming tasks


  • Weak free version
  • No Google Calendar integration

Ticky ($2.49)

Ticki offers a visually appealing and well-designed layout. It also offers multiple themes, font size change, and the ability to view multiple task lists at the same time. Overall, it's one of the best Google task management apps available on the Microsoft Store. The only downside is that it doesn't offer Google Calendar integration. It also received a recent update, further refining the already stylishly designed task manager.

Get organized with Google s best to-do apps for Windows


  • Font size for larger or smaller devices
  • Multiple themes
  • Easy to use and configure
  • Great visual style
  • Drag and drop task layout.


  • No Google Calendar integration
  • Trial period only

Google all in one (free)

Google All in One (GAO) combines Google Calendar, Gmail, Google Keep and Google Tasks in a single full screen window. It is the only app that currently combines virtually all of Google's task management apps into one package. However, it is unwieldy, poorly designed, and only works when you are online. You can see from the screenshot below that GAIO is a bit messy.

Get organized with Google s best to-do apps for Windows


  • Free
  • Single window management for all Google services.


  • No offline mode
  • Clunky interface
  • Not better than using Google services online.

CoolTasks (Free)

CoolTasks offers possibly the best visual design along with an extremely clean interface. Its clean design also makes it easy to use in dual-pane mode. Once you move to the left or right of the screen, it compacts your view, showing only your tasks.

Get organized with Google s best to-do apps for Windows


  • Completely free
  • Best visual design
  • Easy to swipe left or right in Windows split screen mode
  • Easy to setup and configure


  • No Google Calendar integration
  • Cannot move tasks from one list to another

POM Calendar ($2.99)

POM Calendar offers simplified display and integration with both Google Tasks and Google Calendar. Unfortunately, the program performs poorly and suffers from numerous development problems. On the other hand, there is the possibility of becoming the main application for Google's dual task management along with Google Calendar.

That said, it crashed several times while I was testing it, and its slow performance made it unusable. However, if these bugs are fixed, the POM calendar might be worth buying.

Get organized with Google s best to-do apps for Windows


  • Combines both Google Tasks and Google Calendar in a single interface
  • Relatively easy to setup and configure


  • Lack of visual polish
  • Slow performance
  • Unstable

What is the best Windows Store task manager?

If you want to distribute Google service on multiple Windows devices, some of the best paid The options are gTasks Pro and Great Tasks Pro. The best free The option is Hot Tasks. Neither of these offer Google Calendar integration, but few apps do, even on other platforms, such as Android (Day by Day offers both). However, as of 2017, I think the highest paid Google task-based task manager is CheckMarks. I haven't been able to do a full review of the software, but it covers pretty much everything I need from a task manager, except Google Calendar integration.

For the hardcore, I highly recommend developing a more sophisticated Google Tasks method. Take Google Task Management and Scheduling to a Whole New Level with GQueues Take Google Task Management and Scheduling to a Whole New Level with GQueues Google Tasks doesn't work if you want to Go beyond today's time management in visionary planning for tomorrow. This is where GQueues steps up to the plate. Read more . Ryan's method may have changed over the years, but his advice on task management The 5 Commandments for Choosing the Right Task App for Productivity The 5 Commandments for Choosing the Right Task App for Productivity Different people organize differently. different ways. So choosing a to-do app really depends on what kind of person you are. Here are five commandments you can think of for your own productivity system. Read More I'd also suggest checking out Ryan's method for integrating Microsoft Excel with Google Tasks. Use Excel and Google Tasks to create the best goal management tool. Use Excel and Google Tasks to create the best goal management tool. Lately, I've started to realize that I'm working really hard, but if someone asks me if I feel like I'm working for a bigger purpose, I have to say that I really don't... Read more