Family Best Time >> Work

62% of French employees no longer want to connect after work

After a long day at work in front of your computer screen or hanging from your smartphone, do you need to take a breather? You are not the only one in this case. A study carried out by the firm Eléas, which specializes in the prevention of psychosocial risks, reveals that 62% of the French population expresses high expectations of their company regarding the right to disconnect.

A law to clarify the situation

And for good reason:more than a third of workers use professional digital tools almost every day outside of working hours. Moreover, only 22% of them believe that their company intervenes to limit its use. Indeed, who has never consulted their professional mailbox during their holidays, for fear of missing crucial information or being lectured by their superiors?

To clarify things and regulate these practices which are sources of stress, the right to disconnect outside working hours has been included in the new Labor Law. Thus, from next January 1, employees will no longer have any qualms about turning off their telephones and computers when leaving work or during their holidays. Good news for those who had trouble picking up!