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Work:what are the faults of colleagues that annoy the French the most?

Gone are the days when offices were separated by partitions and when we could quietly nibble a piece of chocolate without half of our colleagues coming to beg for it. From now on, the fashion is for open space and it is a secret for no one:these spaces are not conducive (at all) to intimacy. And while some of our colleagues sometimes brighten up our days, the same cannot be said for everyone. Here is the ranking of the colleagues who annoy us the most according to the CSA Institute.

Lack of hygiene comes first

Our colleagues with somewhat questionable hygiene win the most votes. 29% of French people, including a majority of women, say they can't stand their dirty or smelly colleagues. Yes promiscuity requires, we also share the smells in open space! On the second step of the podium, we find the lazy ones designated by 25% of the respondents. It's not always easy to see some people twiddling their thumbs when you work hard. And finally, bronze medal for the beans (18%) which mostly annoy men. On the other hand, young employees do not seem to be bothered by their overzealous colleagues. Among the other habits that irritate the French, we find the prying, the noisy, the talkative and the complainers (6%) who nevertheless occupied the top of the podium last year, according to a poll carried out by Opinion Way.

And you, what flaw annoys you the most at work?