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What is impostor syndrome?

Questioning ourselves is a feeling that can be beneficial in our personal and professional lives. However, when this doubt grows to such an extent that one no longer feels legitimate with each success, one speaks of an “impostor complex”. According to studies, 20% of the population would present this syndrome and 70% of people would be confronted with it at least once in their life. A real handicap on a daily basis that we decipher for you today.

What does it mean to suffer from “impostor syndrome”?

The “impostor syndrome” also called "autodidact syndrome" is a complex that usually manifests itself at work and which in time can lead to professional burnout. Why ? People who fall victim to it will attribute their success or success not to hard work but simply a fluke. They will reject all forms of merit which are due to them. It is because of this denial that this syndrome is called “imposter”. In a situation of success of a professional project, for example, a normal reaction will be manifested by pride, satisfaction or even enthusiasm. Conversely, the impostor complex engendered very different reactions such as humility, embarrassment or even stress .

Women most affected by this phenomenon

However, we are not all equal in the face of the impostor syndrome since, according to a study, women are more exposed than men . A result which results in particular from gender inequalities in the professional world, as explained by doctor Valérie Young , American specialist in the phenomenon, in a recent interview on Europe 1:“Women are often obsessed with the obligation to show themselves to be competent and to invest themselves body and soul to get a job where men will try their luck quite naturally by believing in their potential”.

Moreover, this is not unique to women since it can also be seen among people representing a minority because it promotes doubt about its legitimacy.

What are the solutions to fix it?

Unfortunately, there are no miracle recipes to make the impostor syndrome disappear but time is a lot . This is why it is important to open your eyes to this problem and become aware of it if you suffer from it. You can find a Doctissimo test in 10 questions carried out by coaches to find out whether or not you are a victim of impostor syndrome. Finally, don't be afraid to talk about it to those around you friend or even a professional in order to learn over time to regain your self-confidence and no longer be afraid to accept the compliments you deserve!