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Business Networking Tips

Networking isn't everyone's thing, and it can often take a few tries before you feel comfortable walking into a room full of strangers. That is why we have listed some tips for business networking here.

Bring business cards with you

When you attend a conference or event, make sure you have enough business cards to give away. This way you make sure you don't miss any potential connections. At a big event it is normal to meet and speak to many different people, so a business card ensures that the other participants remember who you are and what you do.

Request a list of participants

Before arriving at the event, ask the organizer for a list of the attendees, including their industry and company name. This way you can prepare yourself and see if there is someone you are particularly interested in talking to.

Dress to impress

First impressions are important, and how you present yourself is a reflection of both your company and yourself as a person. A general rule to follow is to dress for a great day. You should also consider the dress code provided to ensure you are properly dressed for the occasion.

Quality not quantity

Always remember that it is much more valuable to make two or three quality contacts than to collect thirty business cards. Don't rush from person to person, introduce yourself and move on, use your time wisely and spend time getting to know people and what they do.

Be sincere

Networkers know if you're really interested in what they're doing, so pay attention, ask questions, and generally be attentive.

Take notes

If you're talking to someone who provides a lot of useful information, don't be afraid to write it down. Make the most of their business card and note key points on it to remind you of what was said later.

Look for opportunities

Networking isn't just about what you can do for someone, or what they can do for you. If you feel like someone can help you with something, don't be afraid to ask. The worst they can do is say no!

Don't take over the conversation

Sometimes, when you're nervous, you can keep talking to avoid awkward pauses. Keep in mind, though, that networking is about building relationships and making other people appreciate. Be an interlocutor, not a talker.

Smile h

It's a simple tip, but it's often overlooked. Even if you are nervous, you will look confident, and others will also be comfortable and warm to you faster.

Keep in touch

You can't expect to maintain a professional relationship with someone if you don't contact them until you need them after you leave the event. Get in touch within a few days and tell us how much you enjoyed meeting them and knowing what they do.