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How to Make Networking Less Painful

For many young professionals, attending a networking event seems as fun as going to the dentist. Necessary? Yes. Pleasant? Not really. Attitudes like this are understandable – the pressure is high, you don't know who to talk to first, and conversations can go from awkward to downright embarrassing – but they're also myopic.
Networking comes in tops the list as the most effective way to find a new job, and 84% of professionals agree that face-to-face interactions are the best way to cultivate better business relationships. Anecdotally, connecting with others through networking events has been integral to growing my business. I have formed partnerships, gained affiliates and gained clients directly through networking.
Related: How To Attract Amazing People Into Your Life Of course, you already know that networking is valuable. What's harder to understand is that it doesn't have to be miserable. When you reframe your thinking about networking, it stops being a necessary evil and starts becoming an asset in building your personal and professional brand. Here are my top two tips for doing this:
1. Illuminate your “why”.
I sympathize with those who dread networking because I had a hard time managing it myself. When I started my business, I was desperate to make productive connections and gain traction. But I often left events frustrated because I really didn't know how to get past "What are you doing?" exchange.
It's not that I was shy. In fact, I looked forward to making introductions, shaking hands, and diving into meaningful conversations. But after a minute or two of chatter, I would see the other person's eyes frost over, a clear sign that my personal and professional speech was falling flat. I quickly realized that I needed to reframe how I presented myself and my book publishing company.
Instead of telling people who I was and what I did, I started to illuminate Why I do what I do. For example:I own a book publishing business because I used to work in book publishing, so that's an industry I'm familiar with. I came to publishing because I believe books enrich the world and are valuable because they help us understand new ideas, connect with others, and grow personally.
Now when I work networking with people who aren't in my industry and wondering what I'm doing, I say, "I help authors create books that earn a special place in the hearts and minds of their readers . It's a more accurate description of what I do, and it's a lot more interesting. By getting to the root of your why, you find a goal that speaks to more people, even those who have nothing to do with your audience.
When I network in my industry, I use a slightly different approach, introducing myself by highlighting the value I bring to my potential clients. Typically, it goes something like this:"I work with inspirational authors who want to learn how to create books that fulfill their ambitious visions. This way, industry insiders learn about both what I do and the value I bring in one strong statement.
Accepting the introduction is a strategy that has proven to be very successful for me. With the right opening, you can catch people's attention and arouse their curiosity.
2. Offer the unexpected.
Great openness can lead directly to a vibrant professional network –yes you know how to continue the conversation from there. For networking to be really useful, after all, you have to turn an introduction into a follow-up meeting.
There are many ways to help the conversation flow organically, but I think the best way and the most underused way to do this is to use a book. If you want to network with someone in particular, offer them a personalized book recommendation. Ideally, you'll have copy to give away, but an attractive (and quick) description will also work.
This strategy succeeds for several reasons. First of all, it's unexpected. People rarely expect to leave a networking event with anything except business gifts or business cards. Plus, giving people a physical book creates a much stronger association than any sales pitch ever will. This will establish you as knowledgeable and well-versed in their area of ​​interest, which makes you a much more interesting person. With just one move, you become the source of a book they can't wait to read.
That said, for this strategy to work, you need to be prepared. Know the people you want to meet at a networking event and do your research. What is their area of ​​expertise? What topics are they talking about? What are their personal interests? Think about the books you've read that might interest them. It could be an overlooked book on sales team psychology or an exemplary memoir from a Navy SEAL.
When you deliver the gift, add a personal touch, like a note on the inside cover explaining why you think they will like the book. It further helps to establish that connection one on one.
I have been on the receiving end of this type of connection many times, and each time the book has been extremely helpful to me. Receiving a book that provides powerful insight into your business or inspires you is invaluable. You can bet I prioritize donor emails and look for ways to help them.
If you're dreading the next networking event, take a look at your library. You might not find the volume you want to convey, but you might remember an idea you want to pitch. Either way, you stop relying on charisma and start relying on intelligence and aptitude instead. That's exactly what makes a lasting impression.
Networking isn't always the easiest or most fun activity for young professionals, but it doesn't have to be as painful as your annual dental checkup. . By understanding and articulating your “why” and creating a point of connection that opens the door to more meaningful conversations, you will make better connections that will propel your career forward.
Related:Introverted? Use these tips to build networks