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Successful business as a woman

Fortunately, there are more and more women who do not shy away from entrepreneurship. Nowadays it is no longer strange for a woman to say that you have a business. In the past you were immediately an outsider and actually it was really not possible. What did you, as a woman, have to add to entrepreneurship? But it still means that as a woman you have to keep a lot of balls in the air.

You can't do everything yourself

Be aware that you cannot be good at everything. It is good to recognize in advance and think about what you will need help with. You are good at your company, but that does not mean that you are good at all the administration around it, for example. This is very important for your company. Outsource the things you are less good at to someone who is good at them again. Do you want to outsource your financial activities? Then keep in mind that you can hire financial controllers, for example. This way you can spend your energy and time on things you are good at.

Work and private balance

You have made the decision to start your own business. And that entails a lot of uncertainties. But a new challenge is always good and you start with full energy. It is good to think about your work and private balance in advance. Make agreements in advance with yourself or your family when you will and will not work. Because especially if you start your own company, there is a great temptation to be on 24/7 for your company. And that will break you up very quickly and somewhere you sacrifice that on quality and concentration.

If you run a family together, you would do well to make clear agreements with your partner about a division of tasks. Who does what and when? Especially if you work from home, it is good to indicate when you can be disturbed and when not. For children and a partner it is so tempting to ask all kinds of questions in between or to disturb yourself for something. This causes irritation and frustration and you avoid that by making clear agreements.


When you start your business, it is important to be aware of the distinctive character of your product or service. And that is a difficult question for most. What makes you so different from any other company? What makes you unique? If you have this clear, you will immediately have an effective and effective message that you can use to get out there.

Help with your business

Could you use some help in the field of finance and control? Then is happy to assist you with professionals who are passionate about your business.