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These five common mistakes can put your business at risk

You are about to take the plunge and start your own business. But even with all the preparation, you can still run into unforeseen issues that keep your business from thriving. These common mistakes can put your business at risk.

1. Poor financial planning

Starting your own business requires an upfront investment, which means you have to spend money to make money. And while any business can make money, if you don't know how to scale, spend efficiently, and budget for the future, your business is likely to fail.

How to avoid it?

Think about the financing you need to start your business. If you apply for a loan, make a financial step-by-step plan of expenses and expected income to show the bank. Also keep in mind your own personal financial liability. Separating your personal assets from that of your company is crucial in the event that your business fails.

2. Ignoring your market

Companies that try to appeal to everyone and ignore their target demographic are missing the opportunity to earn repeat customers.

How to avoid it?

Don't expect to sell your product or service to everyone. Research your potential market and trade on it. In other words, market it smart, not broad. Ask yourself, what age group am I trying to reach? What type of person would use this service or product? Advertise and market your product or service within your tailor-made market to ensure success and avoid unnecessary spend.

3. Ignoring the competition

Business owners who ignore their competition may not know how to make their product or service unique from what is already out there. This means they have a harder time convincing consumers to choose them over competitors.

How to avoid it?

Research the prices, advertising schedules, and promotions of these companies. Use this information to build and strengthen your business plan. Likewise, marketing to the right audiences can mean looking at what people are already buying or using to get a sense of what they like. This can be done by understanding how competitors market their products.

4. Inconsistent service

It's great to have a large customer base from the start, but customers won't stick around if the customer service they receive is wrong. If the service can't scale, your customers can look elsewhere for what they need.

How to avoid it?

Respond quickly to emails, voicemails, and business proposals. The faster you respond, the more professional you appear. Take into account the amount of work your company can receive.

5. Not knowing when to let go

Even if you've given it your all, there's always the chance that your business will grow slowly, add problems to your life, or simply fail for unpredictable reasons. This principle applies to both successful and unsuccessful companies. In the unfortunate scenario where a company goes bankrupt, it is often difficult for the owners to consider dissolution. Owners who don't know when to let go can find themselves in financial holes they can't dig themselves out of.

How to avoid it?

There's no shame in pulling out of a business that's going bankrupt or in danger of failing. It doesn't have to mean the end of your career dreams. Instead, it can be a great opportunity to refine your strategy and build a better product. When the business changes, the relationships between the business and its owners often change as well. Know when to step aside for the good of the company.

It comes down to

Focusing on the success of your new business is exciting, but being realistic about potential problems that may arise along the way is also important. By building a strong business plan, understanding the market you are trying to reach (as well as the competition), and making sure you provide consistent, first-class service, your business will hopefully grow and succeed.