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Business attire, what has changed?

The men in tight suits, the women in a long dress. Not so long ago these were the standard styles for working people. A lot has changed in the meantime, but what exactly?

From black and brown to bright colors
Perhaps you used to see your father or grandfather going to work in a suit. Neat tie, white shirt, brown or blue suit. Nowadays we increasingly opt for bright colors, both for men and women. For example, how many men are walking around with a pink or yellow shirt or no shirt at all, but colored T-shirts with informal prints. We see this even more among women:colors such as purple, green and red are very common in the workplace. Nowadays this is also considered representative, each color has its own meaning. For example, red stands for power and self-confidence, and green for calmness and nature. So if you want to make something clear, make sure you wear the right colors!

The black pump is nothing more than a basic item
In the past, many women wore black shoes with a low heel. Very neat, they thought. Nowadays you can stand out as a woman and heels are allowed to get higher and thinner. Besides pumps, other shoes can also have an increasingly casual look, such as trendy ankle boots that can be combined with different styles. And these styles vary a lot by office and field these days! So take a good look at how far you can go with casual outfits and keep a somewhat business-like balance.

We still wear skirts and blazers, but the suit of the past is no more. Where the ladies used to be obliged to wear a skirt below the knee, matched with a blazer in unobtrusive colors, you can say that it is the opposite these days. Combine, mix &match, these are the typical words of this century.

Business attire, what has changed?

But it comes back!
We can complain a lot about the fashion of the past, especially the business variants, but the fact is:it is coming back completely. Influences from the 1960s and 1970s are clearly visible. And where a few decades ago pants still stood for the emancipation of women and the skirt as her oppression, we both wear it with love in the workplace. So embrace some aspects of the past and enjoy that you can still wear them now.