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e-Invoicing - What is e-Invoicing?

Digitization has turned a new page with the way we go about our daily lives. Everything from work to play has gone digital and rightly so – it's easier, faster and much better for the environment. Dematerialization is good for your pocket, your conscience and your planet. Definitely worth the switch, but it's not like you have to make an effort.

ContentsWhat is e-invoicing?What are the benefits of an e-invoice over analog?AccuracyEfficiencyCost-effectiveSaferEco-FriendlyTakeaway

You have to exert even less effort while making this huge change. It sounds like a paradox:a small step with a huge impact. Thirty years ago it might sound too good to be true, but today you know it's not only true, but it's not a big deal anymore.

One thing that has personally worried us all my life is managing transactions:paying bills, doing taxes, tracking receipts, etc. The fact that we don't know when or if we will make a mistake makes us want to pull our hair out. We don't worry about it anymore because we can just choose electronic invoicing and since services like facile are software created for this singular purpose, the accuracy is 100% absolute.

What is electronic invoicing?

The answer to this question is simple, it is invoicing but electronic. Just like instead of writing on paper, you type things on a keyboard and read them on a screen, like this article, for example, is on a screen rather than on the glossy pages of a magazine. Now on how it works, services like easyap use dedicated software that is built-in to process transactions and create electronic invoices, among other functions.

Online billing portals give you the ability to perform all transaction-related tasks in one place. Outsourcing agencies at your service but the third party service here is fully automated with a very reasonable price.

What are the advantages of an electronic-invoice compared to an analogue invoice?


Built-in software specifically designed to run multiple e-invoices through an online billing portal is used to perform each calculation digitally and run them over and over again to ensure there are no mistakes, none. The odds of software provided by e-invoicing services like easyap overlooking errors are similar to two plus two equals one – zero . Removing the element of human error makes invoices foolproof.


Even if the last seven generations of your family were accountants, you wouldn't stand a chance against something like easyap. You have to admit that e-invoicing can complete assigned tasks in exponentially less time. This increases the rate of productivity and raises the quality of the work done by several notches.


Going paperless saves you a ton of money. Not only paper, other stationery supplies are needed in much smaller quantities. And compared to that, easy has a price per task available with no hidden fees – what you see is what you get.


Online billing portals are secured with multiple security measures and passwords. Not to mention accessing it from a device you probably take everywhere with you (phone, laptop, tablet, etc.) makes it a foolproof method of money management.

All money-related documents or paper transaction slips are subject to fraudulent activity. It's like leaving the door to your safe open. Don't be naive when you can easily protect your precious earnings using easyap which guarantees complete privacy of your data.


No matter what your favorite politician says, climate change is real. It's real and it's going very fast. Sustainable alternatives are not only desired but necessary. Going from paper to digital is a responsibility that all businesses must take on.

The smallest transaction requires a separate invoice. Wasting so much paper is blatantly ignorant and unnecessary when it can be easily avoided. It's time for us to stop being fools.

Take-away dishes

No matter where you live e-billing is an available option unless you live in Narnia, so we believe there is reason not to transact electronically. But everywhere else, e-invoices are the obvious choice. Soon it may be the online method with online billing portals as the only place to make payments.

Technological advancements were made to make life easier, so adopting them seems logical. Meanwhile, if you still stick to analog methods, it might cost you more than a few extra expenses.