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Parental leave, what is it?

What is parental leave?

Taking parental leave means being able to interrupt your professional activity following the birth of your child or an adoption, in order to be able to raise this child. The mother or the father can benefit from it. Parental leave is unpaid, but you can, under certain conditions, receive an allowance from the CAF, for this, find out. You can decide to suspend your employment contract or continue to work part-time (minimum of 16 hours per week). To be able to take parental leave, you must have worked for the company for at least one year. Parental leave for the first child is for a period of 12 months, renewable once, divided between the two parents (so 2 ​​times 6 months for each parent). For the second child, the total duration of parental leave is 3 years, 2 years for one parent and 1 year for the other.

Parental leave:conditions and procedures

You must inform your employer in advance so that he can take the necessary measures related to your absence. The legal procedure is to send a registered letter at least 2 months before taking parental leave (or 1 month before the end of maternity leave). If you wish to extend it, you must follow the same procedure. Parental leave can be taken until the child has reached the age of 3. In the event of adoption, you can take parental leave for a maximum of 3 years if the child is under 3 years old, or for 1 year if the child is between 3 and 16 years old. After your parental leave, you can return to your job. After having interviewed your supervisor, he will determine your training needs. You should be back in the same position you held before your parental leave.