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What is wage portage? What advantages?

Wage portage is a new form of employment halfway between salaried employment and entrepreneurship. It has several advantages that you should know about.

PEO involves three parties:an individual, a PEO, and a client. Opting for this mode of work allows you to benefit from the status of employee and its advantages by exercising an activity in complete freedom. Who is Wage Portage for? Why choose this form of employment? Explanations.

How does wage portage work?

Defined by the social modernization law of 2008, wage portage brings together three actors:

  • The person being carried :executives looking for work, self-employed, retired senior executives, trainers, etc.
  • An umbrella company who takes care of the administrative part instead of the consultant;
  • The customer which can be a company, an administration, a local authority or an association.

Working on one's own account requires a significant investment that leaves little room for personal life. As part of a wage portage contract, the portage company manages the administrative part. For example, it is responsible for invoicing interventions, collecting fees paid by customers or even declaring and calculating social charges, which saves valuable time for the employee being carried. This time saved can be used to carry out more missions and thus allow him to increase his turnover.

The advantages offered by wage portage

Wage portage allows the employee to take advantage of 4 main advantages:

A time saver

The wage portage company takes care of the employee's administrative procedures. The latter can then concentrate on carrying out their missions and developing their business.

Protection of employee status

The employee carried remains independent and in control of his schedule but depends on Social Security. It also benefits from civil liability insurance and advantageous mutual insurance.

Minimised risks

The employee does not need to create a legal structure to be able to practice on his own account. Indeed, his independent activity begins as soon as he signs his first assignment. If he wishes to stop his activity, he just has to end his relationship with the wage portage company.

Access to training

Sponsorship companies allow sponsored employees to access targeted training and modules to learn how to develop their business and boost their turnover.

Thus, if the advantages offered by the wage portage are numerous, like any device, this form of employment is accompanied by some disadvantages. Indeed, these advantages have a counterpart which results in management fees directly deducted from the turnover achieved by the employee carried. These are generally between 7 and 10%. Finally, the social contributions due by the employee carried are higher than those of a self-employed person contributing to the RSI. All you have to do is make the right choice!