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Find a suitable side job as a mother with these tips

Do you have one or more children that you take care of at home? Maybe the first one is going to school soon or you have time to spare for some other reason, so you probably want to get started with a (side) job! It can then be difficult to think of something that you can combine with taking care of your children. The following tips for a part-time job for mothers might be something for you, because you can do these jobs at home or do not require much time from you, so you can easily combine them!

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A nice side job for mothers is different for everyone of course

Not every side job is right for you, mother or not. One likes one and the other the other, it's that simple. But with the ideas below you may be one step closer to a suitable side job that suits you as a mother. If this side job isn't for you, then maybe it is for other mothers.

Watch out

Many people are looking for a babysitter in Amsterdam, but you can probably also find one or more addresses in other cities and villages of people with children who are looking for a babysitter. If you do take care of your children at home, you can also look after one or two other children. This is also good for the social development of your own children!

Having your own webshop is a very suitable side job for mothers

You can also start your own webshop. When you do this according to the dropshipping principle, you have relatively little work on it yourself. This is because the products you sell are then delivered directly from the supplier to your customers. There are several companies and websites where you can easily build a webshop, after which you can easily manage the whole thing from home. You mainly have to maintain contact with your suppliers and satisfy your customers, but you are not busy packing and sending products yourself!

From hobby to business

Dropshipping is fun, but you can get the idea that you are far away from your own webshop. Maybe you like to make clothing, or art, so you would rather do something with it. Of course you can also get started with this. So you have no pressure at all. You make your products at your own pace and you can easily put them online via social media. Because the quantities you produce remain relatively small, you can easily keep track of the work. This way you can start a business based on your favorite hobby in a casual way. Keep in mind that you won't suddenly earn a world fortune with this side job for mothers, but the start has been made, right?

Are you not only looking for something in the form of reliable home work, but can it also be somewhere else?

Cleaning for mothers as a side job

If you don't mind cleaning and can go away from home for a few hours, a cleaning job is ideal. You often don't work full or even half days, but you still work outside the door for a few hours. In the few hours that your children are at school, for example, mothers can get away from the daily grind with her side job and earn some nice extra money.


Can you take good pictures? You can also turn this into a side job. You could sell shoots, but if you prefer to take nature photos, you can of course also have prints made that you are going to sell. When you are good at something, you can often earn money with it and that is no different with photography!

Working in maternity care

Are you a maternity nurse but do you still work for an organization where you have to work entire maternity weeks and that does not suit your family? Then inquire about the mother contracts with Naviva maternity care. Then you can work nicely during school hours and then be home for your children. Ideal!

Mothers get started with a side job

With the above tips you have a lot of options to start a side job besides being a mother. We wish you a lot of fun and hope you get what you're looking for. If you have any other suggestions as a side job for mothers, please let us know!

Good luck!