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Passing an interview:how to catch up if you missed it?

Missing a job interview, even the best can fail!

First, girls, stop beating yourself up! "I'm the worst", "I missed everything", etc., we forget immediately. Sometimes, even often, we have the feeling of having failed, of having completely missed out on a job interview. But most of the time it is in our head that these things happen. In reality, it is often much less catastrophic than in our memory. The first scenario is therefore to believe that we missed, when we did not miss! We are just so demanding of ourselves that we see failures everywhere. The second scenario is that of having really screwed up! If you can get some information from an acquaintance working in the company, do not hesitate to ask them. She may make you understand that it is ultimately not that serious. And that you can catch up!

Ask yourself why the job interview went wrong

It is essential to ask ourselves why we have failed. What happened? What made stress paralyze us? Try to list the points that seem negative to you, and put words to these anxieties and stress. Going to an interview is never an easy thing, and no matter how well you prepare beforehand, train yourself on the attitude to have, unfortunately, you can quickly be confused. It is therefore important to know what happened so that it does not happen again! Also, if during the interview you are really uncomfortable, tell the recruiter how you feel. It is better to tell him that you have the feeling that you have not sufficiently valued such an area or such experience… It is important to be honest, and that can be a plus, because the recruiter sees your motivation. We must not forget that he himself was once recruited, so he also knows how difficult this exercise is.

Contact the recruiter after having a job interview

If you come home looking sad and disillusioned, don't get overwhelmed, play your last card. No one forbids writing to the recruiter after the interview. On the contrary ! It is always a good idea to contact him to thank him for the time he has given you. If you feel like you screwed up, value yourself. And add to your mail information and elements that will highlight the points that seem negative to you. A letter of recommendation, for example! You can once again show your motivation. Who knows ? The recruiter may be sensitive to this approach. And then, if you come second, don't forget to call back a few weeks later... The first ones don't always do the trick...