Family Best Time >> Work

Reasons to resign

If you're reading this, it's because you're one of the many people who dread going to work every day. The good news is you're not alone. The bad news is that you are in a difficult situation that needs to be resolved clearly. How do you know if you should quit your job? This is how:

You must quit your job if…

You are in a toxic environment
No workplace is perfect, because where there are people, we will encounter the problems that people create. But that's no excuse for allowing bullying, sexual harassment, or other normal behavior in the workplace. If you're in a place that allows this behavior, it's time to stop.

You see no future there
Every employee should have a clear plan for their career development. If you've looked at yours and don't see any career advancement opportunities in it, it's time to leave. Life flies by and if you don't leave now, you'll be there in five years and doing the same. Take action now.

Your boss doesn't respect you Your boss doesn't have to like you to do well, but if he or she doesn't respect you, you'll be afraid to go to work. And how can you do good work, let alone great work, when your boss feels that way about you? Think more about yourself and give yourself the respect you deserve by finding a boss who respects you.

You could do your work in your sleep
To thrive we must be challenged. Few people can challenge themselves if their boss or teammates don't see their potential and help them grow. If you doze off because no one calls you out, do yourself a favor and leave. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and are not afraid to challenge you to greater things.

You are afraid to quit
If you've dreamed of a better job but your fears are keeping you there, find the support you need to move on to better things. Fear takes over when we focus more on what we lack than what we have in front of us. Take stock of your experience, skills and passions. Then find a place where you can make the most of it.