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12 reasons people are STILL ignoring your emails

There is little more frustrating than going to the effort of writing an urgent email, only to have the reply arrive too late. But the problem may not be with the receiver. It may come across you and how you created your message.

Research has uncovered many ideas on how to persuade more members of a mailing list to open, read, and click on links within emails. But there is less information about achieving similar goals for personal or work email.

If you have an urgent problem at work, you want to introduce yourself to an influencer. 6 ways to get busy people to answer your emails. 6 ways to get people busy responding to your emails. There are many different rules for sending an email. will encourage or discourage a person to hit the "reply" button and reply to you. Learn the rules of email success. Read More

12 reasons people are STILL ignoring your emails

The following is a list of reasons why responses to your emails continue to be late or not at all. By being aware of these common mistakes and tips, you will be able to cultivate a faster and more consistent response rate for each of your emails.

You CCDC the person who needs a response from

If you include people in your message, they will often assume that you included it just to keep them informed. This reduces the chance of those people responding, as they don't feel like they were the primary recipients. If you need everyone to reply, avoid using the CC function. Ideally, you should be emailing one person at a time. But if you have to CC, make it clear in the email that you need everyone to answer, even those who are in CC.

Your subject line sucks

A quality subject line How to make your email stand out in a cluttered inbox How to make your email stand out in a cluttered inbox Have you ever sent an email you thought was important by yourself? to be answered many days later or, even worse, forgotten? ? Of course, sometimes it's out of your control, but there are things you can do... Read More This means more than a nasty headline for your email. "URGENT". And it doesn't mean you have to be ridiculously detailed.

Something as simple as "Stevo, we have to make this decision by tomorrow." It works well. First, it is addressed to the person, so that they know that the responsibility lies with them . Second, the content of that subject line conveys a sense of urgency and curiosity. This increases the probability that the message will be opened immediately.

You are not stating your demand quickly

We all know that emails should be concise. But if yours are longer than a few short paragraphs, make sure your request is the center of attention from the start, otherwise it may get overlooked.

This means politely conveying what you need in the first or second sentence. You can go into more detail later, but the premise of what you're looking for should come first.

Your messages are boring

If everyone expects your messages to be boring, confusing, full of jargon, and overly verbose, they'll hate the idea of ​​opening your emails.

12 reasons people are STILL ignoring your emails

Instead, make people expect to receive an email from you. Use humor. Address people personally. Avoid corporate talk. Keep your sentences short and punchy. Includes a fun GIF Find the best GIFs on the web with Giphy, a dedicated search engine for animated images Find the best GIFs on the web with Giphy, a dedicated search engine for animated images GIFs are common all over the Web, but sometimes it's hard Find the right one for the right situation. Fortunately, a new dedicated search engine just for GIFs has arrived. Her name is Giphy and... Read More You can still brighten someone's day, even if you're asking them for a favor.

You are not setting a deadline

If you need something, let the recipient know exactly when you need it. Very often, we are asked to provide an answer “As soon as possible”, or “soon”. This makes the deadline subjective. If you say “I really need an answer to this question by 4 pm today.”, however, there is no room for ambiguity.

You are not providing alternatives

Continuing with the example above, it could be the case that the recipient simply can't get a response before 4 pm. You should be aware of this possibility in your opening message by expanding the sentence:

Email is notHigh priority

If your message Really It's urgent, you can make this more obvious by marking emails as such in certain email clients. Being able to mark an email as High priority It is possible in Microsoft Outlook and Apple Mail. Unfortunately, in Gmail it is not possible, so the closest alternative is to precede your subject with “URGENT:”

12 reasons people are STILL ignoring your emails

This should only be done in genuinely urgent cases. If you're seen too often, this advice will lose its effectiveness.

You're not making a threat

This sounds worse than it is. Let the recipient know that if a response is not received within a set time frame, certain consequences will follow. As an example:"If I haven't heard from you by 2 pm, I'll assume all is well and send the $10,000 to the contractor."

If the recipient chooses to ignore the question, they explicitly know that things will continue without their input. If you want your voice to be heard, you need to speak up. now .

You're not helping

If your request is too broad, the recipient will often feel that he has to craft a more eloquent response than is needed. Let them know if a simple “yes” or “no” will do it. If you're hosting a meeting, offer three or four convenient times as a starting point. Do what you can to make the email response a burden to the recipient.

You are sending an email at the wrong time

If you know your manager is always rushing on a Thursday afternoon, don't wait until Thursday morning to send the email if you could have sent it on Tuesday. If you know your colleague has tons of emails at the start of each day, maybe wait until you know they've checked your inbox. 5 Action Steps to Heal Your Inbox. Zero email. 5 Action Steps to Heal Your Inbox. Zero email. It is one of the most popular buzzwords. To truly solve your email problems, you need to go beyond Inbox Zero and address the underlying issues. Read More This makes your email less of a needle in a haystack.

You are sending too many emails

If you're known around the office as a relentless email, your colleagues will quickly become blind to your email requests.

12 reasons people are STILL ignoring your emails

Make It a Habit Using Spark's Micro Habits and Massive Personal Change How to Use Spark Massive Micro Habits and Personal Change It's hard to create new habits. Habits are usually built over weeks or months of repetition, and the motivation is the challenge. When the going gets tough, microhabits can go a long way. Read more about the emails you send are important emails. Then, when someone sees a message from you in their inbox, they're more likely to notice.

You are ungrateful

If you keep asking people for things and don't show gratitude, very soon people will resent helping you. In the world of email, this translates to people simply ignoring you. They prefer to respond to and help other people who respect their time and effort.

So if someone responds quickly, thank them. If they go out of their way to respond or help you, be sure to show that you're grateful.

Give it a try

If getting slow responses or not responding at all is a problem you're having, try avoiding each of the above errors. By doing this, each of your emails is more likely to be opened, read, and responded to quickly. Once you've done this for a few weeks, it should become second nature. Before you know it, you'll be an email expert. Do you want to become an expert in something? Try deliberate practice Want to become an expert at something? Try deliberate practice It's very easy to feel down when trying to improve a certain skill. Use the power of "deliberate practice" to break through those maddening plateaus. Read more.

What other email techniques help you receive a prompt response? Have any of the above been particularly effective for you?