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This is the most influential woman of 2016

José van Dijck (55) has been voted the most influential woman of 2016 by the monthly magazine Opzij. The first female president of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has emerged as a champion of greater diversity, an open attitude and better collaboration in science. . Everything in the service of society. 'Innovation requires a lot of invisible effort', according to the jury.

Opzij announced the annual Opzij Top 100 of most influential women on Monday evening. The Opzij Top 100 consists of 10 x 10 women in different categories. Never before have four women come in at a number 1 position:Khadija Arib (Politics category), Petri Hofste (Supervisors category), Francine Houben (Entrepreneurs category) and Susan Duinhoven (Business category). Ionica Smeets (37) is the youngest top woman on the list and 16% of the list is 45 years or younger. Where the jury previously mainly looked at the power that women have, this year more emphasis has been placed on how women use influence. Are they committed to more diversity? Are they a role model for other women?

The new Opzij containing the complete Top 100 is available in the shop from today.