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13 Practical Ways to Find Joy in Your Work

Work doesn't have to be mindless drudgery. While it's easy to fall into the routine of daily activities and the many repeated actions that come with being a professional, it's not impossible to find joy in your work.

Contents1. Remember your "why".2. Learn something new.3. Keep a journal.4. Align yourself with your purpose.5. Appreciate the little things.6. Think about the benefits.7. Let go of perfection.8. Find great people.9. Be open to pleasure.10. Be grateful.11. List five great victories.12. Participate proactively in your missions.13. Contribute to a wider variety of projects.

For most, deriving happiness from what they do focuses on appreciating their purpose and understanding how they can contribute to the world around them. After all, the sense of accomplishment you get from a job well done is unmatched.

To learn more, we asked Young Entrepreneur Council members to share some of their own practical ways to find joy in their work and how others could use their methods to achieve the same results. Here's what they said:

1. Remember your “why”.

I can proudly say that I love what I do every day. Some days can be more enjoyable than others, but I never walk away wishing I had spent my day doing nothing else. And that's because I always remember my "why." Why did I go in there? Why did I start this journey so many years ago? Understanding the driving force behind what I do is key to my day-to-day happiness.

–Rana Gujral, Behavioral Signals

2. Learn something new.

When you don't feel motivated by your work, you should learn something new. You can pick up new skills just by taking an online course or by spending more time reading industry publications and constantly learning to help keep things fresh and fun. It can also help you advance your career.

–Thomas Griffin, OptinMonster

3. Keep a journal.

I've felt burned out many times as an entrepreneur, but the best way I know of to find joy in the work I do is to remind myself of the creativity that comes with it. I keep a journal of everything I do at work so that when I feel exhausted or bored, I can use it as a reference to spark new ideas.

–Kristin Kimberly Marquet, Marquet Media, LLC

4. Align yourself with your purpose.

Happiness is one thing, but the goal is on a completely different level. Happiness won't sustain you through the most difficult and trying times, but purpose will. Purpose gives deep meaning and motivation that will see you through the thick and thin. Also, the goal is always tied to some kind of positive impact and the end of the day, and that's what really brings the most joy, anyway.

–Justin Faerman, Conscious Lifestyle Magazine

5. Appreciate the little things.

Instead of thinking about the things I want, or focusing on the things I don't look forward to doing, I try to step back and appreciate the little things. I think about the delicious breakfast I had this morning, the pleasant conversation with my assistant, the satisfied customers of my last job. These are things we tend to gloss over, but they contain the essence of what makes us happy.

–John Turner, SeedProd LLC

6. Think about the benefits.

Consider the benefits your work brings to others. Does it help them in any way? Even if it's just the big picture, it still makes a huge difference if you can improve someone's day or make it easier for them.

–Stephanie Wells, Formidable Forms

7. Unleash perfection.

Its important to realize that you won't feel good all the time and that you won't be your best all the time. There are a lot of things that are out of our control, and it helps to allow some leeway for things to go wrong. Simply accepting change and uncertainty can improve well-being and bring a sense of peace ultimately leading to joy.

–Syed Balkhi, WPBeginner

8. Find great people.

I love my career, but not every day has to be a walk in the park. But what I like is that every day I come to the office and I get to spend time with my team. I truly believe I have the best team of people working around me, and I love seeing them every day. We have all become friends, borderline family, and knowing that I can be with them is worth every day there.

–Colbey Pfund, LFNT Distribution

9. Be open to pleasure.

In his book Indistractable:How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life , Nir Eyal describes how we should try to find pleasure even in monotonous tasks. By looking at work with an eye of curiosity and finding new ways to accomplish tasks, you can bring joy to work. This will allow more joy and even a deeper investment in the work itself.

–Nicole Munoz, Nicole Munoz Consulting, Inc.

10. Be grateful.

More times when I feel extreme gratitude for being in the position I am in, but there will always be challenges, and sometimes, in the midst of difficulties, I can begin to have a negative attitude. So if I hear myself say, "I have to" I change it to "I'm getting there." Because in the end, even challenges are a blessing.

–Reuben Yonatan, GetVoIP

11. List five great victories.

To cultivate appreciation and gratitude, my team practices writing “Five Big Wins in the Last 90 Days” for the company and its work. Reflecting on what we have accomplished individually and as a team feels really good and helps us stay present. I'm also a fan of the quote:"Remember when you wanted what you currently have"—it lives on the fridge in our break room.

–Rachel Beider, Modern Massage PRESS

12. Participate proactively in your missions.

Many people find it easy to go on autopilot and get work done because others are expecting it. When you leap, however, and embrace assignments that you love or can bring unique value to, then you can be proud of your daily accomplishments. Then there are emotional issues and concrete successes that you can present to your managers and colleagues. Management appreciate productive enthusiasm.

–Patrick Barnhill, ID Specialist Inc.

13. Contribute to a wider variety of projects.

As a business owner, it's easy to stick to a routine where you only focus on the areas where you can have the greatest impact. While this is wise, it can lead to burnout. To find more joy in your work, you can contribute to a wider variety of projects that challenge you to break away from routine and think outside the box to solve different problems alongside different teams.

–Firas Kittaneh, Zoma Mattress

These answers are provided by the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invitational organization of the world's most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly every industry, generate billions of dollars in revenue each year, and have created tens of thousands of jobs. Learn more about .