Family Best Time >> Work

Combining work with children, I fall short everywhere I'm afraid

I am a happy person, I only have to work 16 hours a week and then also in a not too stressful job. The reception for the little girl is super organized, she is lovingly taken care of. Still, I find the combining work with children quite a challenge

Combining work with children as they get older

She is now getting older and is now also of compulsory school age. In addition, play appointments, children's parties, sports and swimming will appear more and more on the calendar. Something I try to organize on the days I'm not working. This makes me less flexible for the employer and I find that annoying. I find it difficult to find the right balance. I really want to be flexible, but I also don't want to shortchange my daughter.

The first two years that I worked at my current employer, I was very flexible. That went well because little one was not going to school at the time and I could, so to speak, bring them to grandparent(s) every now and then. Also at the beginning of this year I worked an extra day a week for 3 months to bridge maternity leave, this was easy to plan with in-laws, so no problem either.

That possible compromise, that's what I'm already worrying about

My daughter did find it annoying that she couldn't meet up with friends. But after I explained that after a while that was possible again, she actually thought it was fine again. After all, it's fun with grandparents too.

But what if I have already promised her that I can play with her girlfriend on Wednesday afternoon and I have to work unexpectedly? Then I don't feel like such a good mother! But if I can't fill in on Friday because my daughter has to go to swimming lessons, I don't feel like a great colleague.

And that is already taking place while I 'only' work 16 hours a week. Or maybe that's why! How do you manage in between so that all parties can be kept satisfied?

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