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Borrower insurance with cancer:how to find?

Borrower insurance with cancer:how to find?

Cancer is one of the diseases that constitute an aggravated risk in terms of home loan insurance. Thus, borrowers with cancer or having had cancer will be subject to an additional premium. In most cases, they will even be denied coverage. Fortunately, there are solutions allowing these people to realize their real estate project. Explanations.

Real estate loan insurance in the event of cancer

Cancer is a disease that is likely to affect all human organs and tissues, but the most common nowadays in France are breast cancer, affecting both men and women, skin cancer, colon cancer and digestive cancer. When it comes to borrower insurance, not all cancers are in the same boat. Indeed, each type of cancer is different. If the disease generally constitutes an aggravated risk, some are more so than others.

This is, for example, the case of cancer for which there is no curative treatment or cancer likely to degenerate suddenly. The opinion of medical specialists is decisive in obtaining or not obtaining borrower insurance in these cases. Thus, depending on the seriousness of the pathology, the insurer is likely to refuse to grant borrower insurance or else it will apply an additional premium.

Borrower insurance after cancer

Due to developments in cancer treatment, it is now possible to cure cancer, although the chances of recovery depend above all on the type of pathology and the precocity of its detection. Despite this possibility, however, insurers remain wary of former cancer patients, as they consider that they still represent high-risk profiles. Borrowers who had overcome cancer therefore had to report their former illness to insurers, which involved an additional premium.

Since the health law of 2016, former cancer patients benefit from the right to be forgotten. The purpose of this law is to allow these people not to mention their former state of health to the insurer in order to benefit from loan insurance at the normal rate. However, it should be noted that this right to be forgotten only applies to certain forms of cancer. In particular, there is a time limit to be respected before having the possibility of exercising your right to be forgotten. This period varies according to the pathologies. For example, it is 1 year for cervical and breast cancer, while for prostate cancer it ranges from 3 to 10 years.

Refusal of loan insurance:what to do?

To increase your chances of benefiting from home loan insurance with or after cancer, it is advisable to go through an online loan insurance comparator. This is the fastest way to get offers that match your situation. In the event of refusal by the various companies, the applicant has the possibility of claiming justification, so as to enable him to exercise his right of reply. The arguments raised will not necessarily convince insurers, which is why other solutions must be found.

The most obvious is to use the AERAS agreement, the objective of which is to allow anyone who takes out borrower insurance to benefit from the standard conditions, without any increase or exclusion of guarantees. In addition, the borrower is able to offer a personal guarantee, a mortgage on real estate or a guarantee by a third party. Another solution is to borrow from two. In this case, only the person suffering from cancer will be subject to the refusal, the additional premium or the exclusion of guarantees. By opting for high insurance quotas for each co-borrower, financing will be easier to unlock.