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Working part-time, a step back or forward?

It is a conscious choice for many people these days; work part-time. Not only mothers, but also fathers make their choice in this. As long as it is financially feasible, working part-time is a great privilege, right?

Financially feasible is of course different for everyone. For example, one person lives more expensively than the other and cannot simply work less even if he wanted to. And if it is feasible to work part-time, then you also have to get it arranged at work. That is not easy for everyone either.

Part-time, taking a step back

In addition, you will probably have to 'take a step back' in your daily life, and that is what many people have trouble with. Because you probably also want to go on holiday and do fun things on the days that you are free. Of course you can come up with nice things that are not that expensive, but doing nice things often also costs money.

What is the big advantage of working part-time? If that means you don't have the money to do the fun things you would actually like to do? That big advantage is, very simply, more time 😉 . And more time also means more rest. And more rest is a thing these days.

How often do you hear that things are going well, but that it is busy. Someone's standard statement when you ask how he or she is doing:"Yeah, I'm fine. It's quite busy”, I hear my friends (and myself) say so. You can also 'bypass' this statement by using the Limbi app that we wrote about a while ago, but that aside.

And if it's busy, that's not a problem. But always busy, busy, busy… that comes at the expense of your quality of life. Working part-time can change that! Now I am my own boss, which means that you can make choices if necessary. But it also brings a lot of stress. I recently had a conversation with a colleague entrepreneur who indicated that she had consciously made the choice last year to take it easy. No longer just stress, but also simply enjoy. Just give yourself time to have a leisurely lunch, instead of gulping down a sandwich behind your laptop. Which. Or help your child with his homework in the evening instead of sitting on hot coals because you want to get back to work yourself.

That is why I made the decision myself to stop one of my companies. Let's see if I can also work part-time as a self-employed person, and get a little bit of my character. See if I can learn to enjoy life and the simple things more. Walk the dog, play a game with the kids. I do it all too little, and I certainly don't enjoy it at all, because my head is too full of other things. And what is really important in life?

How do you feel about this and what do you think, is part-time a step back, or rather a step forward?