Family Best Time >> Work

Broken nights… grrr… this was one of those!

11 p.m.; the youngest who wakes up crying and can be soothed with only a bottle of milk, 1 a.m.; the oldest who wants a sip of water, 02:00 am the youngest who wakes up crying again… idea what's wrong…..teeth? 0.4.00 hours the oldest again… wide awake, he doesn't want to sleep anymore….And so on. And then at 6 am my alarm clock that goes off… broken nights… they never get used to it !

Broken nights are bad for your mood

When the alarm goes off after such a night, I want to turn around and go to sleep…I feel like I haven't slept at all. Some naps of less than an hour each time, that's not really a good night's sleep in my opinion. But tired or not, I have to get out of bed and I have to be fast too! You will always see that after broken nights follows a busy day. In the bathroom I throw water over me, run a comb through my hair, quickly put on some make-up and brush my teeth. In the bedroom I quickly put on some clothes. In the meantime, my children have also woken up. Their nocturnal adventures don't bother them...they want to eat a sandwich and play....the oldest wants to play tag...Help! I would prefer a cup of coffee and nothing for a while..., but who can arrange that 😉 .

Quickly make sandwiches for my kids...luckily daddy doesn't have to work today so he takes over...a cup of coffee, pack things, put on a coat, kids a kiss... and I rush to my car. It is a half hour drive to work and listening to the radio there is finally (in my opinion) a moment of rest.

Cheerful and enthusiastic colleagues

'Good morning', they call out enthusiastically as soon as I enter work. I mumble good morning back. Didn't sleep well?, they ask. I smile and answer…well, almost not. I don't really feel like chatting…I quickly grab a cappuccino and walk to my desk.

Full agenda, phone calls, deadlines

My desk is of course full…post what I still have to read and my agenda can't get any fuller…. I see that I have to finish things today, that will still be worked on. The phone rings immediately and e-mails come in.
I experience everything as difficult after broken nights like this one. Only because I don't want to work, but want to sleep. I remain as friendly as possible to everyone and put on my sweetest smile. I do my best.

Afternoon dip

Halfway through the afternoon I really get into a slump. How nice it would be to close my eyes for a moment. The three or four cups of cappuccino (I don't like normal coffee) that I've drunk meanwhile don't help at all. I look at the clock, phew… 3.10 pm, it was just now 3 pm, time passes so slowly. Just a few more hours and I'll be done.

Free! Or not?

Yes, 5:30 pm!! The working day is over. Nice to go home. Before I go home, a quick run to the store. At home, both my kids are enthusiastically waiting for me, they have already eaten with daddy….and they have cooked for me in the toy kitchen and groceries are ready to pay in the toy shop. Then the doll also has to be comforted because it fell today. Really super sweet, but I also have to eat in between and I also like to drink something 😉 . After dinner I play or watch TV for a while and then it's bedtime for the kids. Then first clean up, fold the laundry, put in the laundry, quickly run a vacuum cleaner through the ground floor and then sit on the couch and probably fall asleep immediately.

Do you recognize such days after broken nights? Yes isn't it? Fortunately, they are not too common. Yet. How do you deal with it?