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Want to be a leader? head first

At 16, Nero became the emperor of the most powerful civilization in the world.
Freshly out of childbirth, he conquered new lands for Rome and quashed rebellions from the comfort of a palace in an unimaginable luxury.
Despite his position, Nero went down in history for his extreme brutality – he executed rivals, his half-brother and even his own mother . Historians suspect he started the great fire of Rome to build a new palace, then blamed Christians as an excuse to execute them.
You probably had a boss whose sadism and incompetence weren't not quite Nero level, but you've always wondered, "Who charged this maniac?"
To explain:having a leadership role doesn't make someone a leader.
Compare the reign of Nero to that of Marcus Aurelius, a successor. From what we know of "The Last of the Five Good Emperors" through his private writings, he was the leader we all want:balanced and fair, who took the lead, didn't need credit or power-seeking, and always eager to grow a human.
A mindset, not a role
If you were lucky enough to have an Aurelius type for a boss, you know that good leadership can produce miraculous results.
The right leader triples a company's customer base, solves a global problem, and nurtures their team members even beyond their own level.
This leader is effective not because of one's job title but because of a leadership mindset.
Leadership is an attitude we can apply every situation. When you begin to see each moment as an invitation to lead, you jump towards your highest potential.
That's true whether you're a janitor, father or president.
"Not in my work,” you might say. “My boss gives me no autonomy” / “My work has no meaning” / “The shareholders would never be tempted.”
The beauty of leadership? It does not depend on external situations. Nelson Mandela led every day for 27 years in prison, although his only possession was a bucket toilet.
For the true leader, an obstacle is just an exciting opportunity to find a new way forward .
Small actions save lives
On November 18, 1987, commuters at King's Cross underground station in central London informed ticket collectors of some burning paper on rails. But the staff weren't allowed to leave their cabins, so someone told their supervisor, who told their supervisor. We know how it is.
Within minutes the fire was raging, and when layers of flammable paint in a tunnel ignited, the fire exploded and killed 31 people and injured 100 others.
The ensuing investigation showed many fatal causes, but each came down to a failure to steer. Ticket collectors did not go looking. Decades of painters failed to remove old paint (which they knew was flammable). And management maintained policies that discouraged initiative.
If one had anyone acted as a leader, those lives could have been saved.
In a world facing climate catastrophe and a resurgence of intolerance, our only hope is for more people to see themselves as leaders. Yes, that means you.

6 Principles of Self-Leadership
First, you have to show that you can lead yourself. Here are six leadership principles you can apply to your own life before you seek to lead others.
1. Take control of your thoughts.
Everything that was created was first thought. The novel you read, your breakfast burrito, democracy, your general mood – were the first ideas.
The best leaders know that what you think, you literally become. You can't afford to leave a negative thought in your mind because it spreads and manifests in your words and actions.
Do you know effective leaders who complain, mock or gossip? “Of course not, so why would you? If you want to lead, constantly monitor your thoughts and choose positive thoughts. Over time, it becomes a habit.
2. Take the initiative in every situation.
You probably know someone who is always waiting to be told what to do – a co-worker, family member, or that stranger five feet away, staring at you. lazily as you struggle with the apartment door and bags full of groceries.
At work, initiative leads to advancement. Personal development legend Brian Tracy talks about when he immediately started a new project one weekend and discovered a million dollar fraud. His bosses were more than impressed.
Initiative is even more important in your own business. Ray Kroc was roaming the parking lots of his McDonald's franchises picking up trash, sending a clear message to his employees that details mattered. And it's the attention to detail that has helped McDonald's succeed (for better or for worse).
3. Prioritize "great work".
We meet a friend we haven't seen in a while and ask, "How are you?" »
« Good, busy. So busy! is usually the answer.
Almost everyone's schedule is tight as a pile of bricks, where no light can pass through. Yet what percentage of people would you rate as highly "effective"?
People work, but not always on what matters. A leader effectively prioritizes their own life, ruthlessly cutting the good for the great.
I would love to shoot under 100s on the golf course, bake my own bread, and learn to read lips. But for now, I had to support these activities. Everything has an opportunity cost.
Leaders first take the time and space to reflect on their own lives, then set priorities.
4. Let go of having to “get credit”.
When our kids clean their room just to collect their allowance.
When a tobacco company spends $10 million on ads to brag about the $50,000 she spent on cancer research.
When a politician finds a clever loophole to use public money to tell you how fiscally responsible he is.
Does it inspire a response friendly? No. We don't follow shameless glory seekers.
A focus on what you can have marks you as selfish. Plus, with an eye on the price of credit, you have less time and energy to get the job done right.
Leaders do their duty without needing praise.
5. Keep your cup empty.
A professor of Eastern philosophy visits a Tibetan monastery to meet with a guru. They sit while the visitor tells everything he knows about enlightenment.
"Would you like some tea?" asks the sage.
As he pours out, the professor continues to speak. The cup is overflowing.
"What are you doing?" the man asks.
"Like the cup, you're already full of ideas." How can more be done until you empty your cup? says the guru.
A leader does not have all the answers. He is someone who is always looking for better ideas. And she applies this attitude full time.
6. Prioritize your personal growth.
When I was 24 and looking for an alliance, I couldn't figure out why my friends were having relationship issues. Love was so easy, I thought.
About 15 breakups later, I learned the hard way that the more you think you've "got it", the harder the fall.
The psychologists who have studied victory and defeat have noted the same fascinating effect. Those who won a challenge became set in their ways while the “losers” reflected and became more successful over time.
In our own lives, we enjoy a bit of success but then forget that situations change and luck plays a role in that success.
The best antidote to getting stuck in a rut is to treat yourself like your own business, male or female. Leaders set goals, prioritize growth, and stay flexible.

5 places to lead
It's easy to nod your head when you read a list of lofty principles. We intuitively know that we should volunteering for projects and prioritizing important tasks.
But how do we apply this theoretical leadership to our lives? Here are tips to help you become the “master of your domain,” to borrow some Seinfeld-ism; five ways to demonstrate leadership in your own sphere of influence.
1. At home
Become someone who picks up the trash that is thrown in your front yard, even if you rent. Oil the squeaky door. Don't ask your partner to remind you to fix things or get groceries.
Don't lecture your kids on the importance of books – read. Don't preach good health – cook the broccoli and go for a run.
When you lead at home, you practice leading your work. But beyond that, it just feels good to be on top of things and live in a nice, tidy home even if it's modest.
Make a few changes on the home front and you'll see those benefits come together. spread to other areas of your life.
2. At work
Even if you're not in an official "leader" role at work, go beyond your job description and the results will be miraculous.
There's virtually no of traffic on the extra mile. Moreover, it is only one mile, not 1000. You don't need to do 10 times more than your colleagues to stand out; exceptional work often only requires an extra phone call to clients or helping a colleague with a project that technically isn't your problem.
When you become someone who demonstrates leadership in your humble role, people take notice and ultimately give you more responsibility (and the benefits that come with it).
3. In Relationships
A good relationship is a place to give, not to get.
In developed countries, a married couple's chance of divorcing is just under 50%.
Couples break up for a variety of reasons, but often the root is one or both partners "what have you been doing for me lately?" attitude.
In all budding relationships, in the throes of passionate love, you buy your partners gifts, take them out to dinner, on trips, and spend hours finding ways to surprise him. You hang on to every word.
But the relationship grows and the new wears off and we forget that it can only thrive if we keep investing in it.
When we blame our partner for the problems of the relationship, it is doomed. When we take 100% responsibility for its success, it thrives.
4. In your body
Our body is our vehicle through life. If it works, we enjoy life; otherwise, all the money in the world is useless.
Fitness is a precious commodity that cannot be bought or inherited. You can only maintain it with consistent work.
Before I made fitness a priority, I viewed exercise as a frivolous, pointless pursuit. But a healthy body means determination, dedication, mental focus and self-respect.
Would you rather work for someone who embodies these qualities, or someone who lets their body crumble?
Protect this most valuable asset and you will be a more credible leader.
5. In Your Finances
You heard the one about the millionaire who couldn't make mortgage payments. What about the $20 million a year athlete who filed for bankruptcy? And the best financial advisor who hasn't invested a dollar? I know, cry me a river.
Making boatloads of money doesn't make you rich and you can be perfectly abundant on a modest salary. Oxford professor William MacAskill donates every dollar he earns over $30,000 to charity.
I'm not suggesting you do the same, only that you take the time to take control of this area that most people overlook. Are you saving and investing at least 10% of your income? Do you avoid mutual funds like the plague? Have you picked an asset allocation that's right for you?
If this all sounds foreign to you, grab a copy of Money:Master the Game . You can read it in a week and you could find yourself 100 times richer when you retire.
Leaders are in charge of managing resources. How can you lead if you can't manage yours?

4 Signs You're Not Taking Initiative
Do you have integrity? In other words, are your actions consistent with your values? You probably follow your speech part or most of the time – maybe you even scored five for five in the list above.
By all means, celebrate your awesomeness. But if you're reading LadiesBelle I/O, I'm guessing you're not here for the back rubs, but to become even more efficient as a leader.
As you read on, be honest about whether any of these four descriptions even remind you a bit of yourself. If so, wear this list and work to grow.
1. You wait for someone to tell you what to do.
If you earn a salary, someone trades their money for the results you get. If you find yourself sitting at your desk doing nothing, you have made an unspoken decision to break this agreement.
No one is "entitled" to a salary. It's an honorable thing to win a source of income. Plus, your time at your desk will pass anyway. At the end of your life, will you be proud that you spent an hour every working day scrolling through Instagram, or would you rather say that you gave it your all and made an impact on the world?
If you find your work slow, tell your boss repeatedly, "I would like more responsibility." This key phrase will change your life.
This advice also applies to business owners. Don't wait for your client to provide walk orders, surprise them with brilliant ideas. Don't wait for the phone to ring or for someone to enter your store. Go on the offensive by creating something of value, then sell it.
2. You complain about trouble.
Yes, we've heard the hand wringing on the economy, government, traffic, and stock price.
A person with a leadership mindsetwait problems and even prosperous in these conditions. What went as planned? Every time I start a business, I have an idea of ​​how long and hard it will be to break even, and each time it takes 10 times the effort.
Problems in the life and business are guaranteed, but excuses don't have to be. Leaders divert the energy that most of us spend on complaining to try a new approach until success comes.
3. You find reasons why you can't do something.
Making it up to you when you're complaining is relatively easy compared to this one.
A lot of people aren't even aware facts, they tell themselves it's just not true.
"I can't afford to hire another employee" or "I don't have time for a vacation." "
Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right. Your language creates your beliefs creates your actions creates your life.
When you trade "can't" and "don't" for "how can I?" or "I can", what seemed impossible will begin to magically happen in your life.
4. You react instead of act.
Leaders don't waste a minute more than necessary playing defense. Occasionally they may be sued or face a flood in the main office. Surprises happen.
But if you spend more of your time reacting to situations, how will you lead your team, your company, or yourself towards your goals?
Ask yourself honestly:Is this the best use of my time? If not, can you delegate it? Can you ignore it? Many "crisis situations" are resolved by ignoring them altogether.
Would your career, relationships, or business be better served by acting intentionally instead of reacting?
Lead first and others will follow you to the ends of the Earth.

Photo by Greg Raines on Unsplash