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15 traits of great leaders

A leader is someone who, through their personality and skills, inspires others to be the best version of themselves. Although leaders may display different types of leadership styles, they all hope to achieve the same goal:motivating the team they lead to be better and do better.
But what makes us an excellent leader? For many, leadership comes naturally and stems from an innate ability to take control of a situation and seek the best possible outcome for all parties involved. For others, it's a special talent nurtured and developed every day.
To learn more about the types of skills or abilities worth pursuing or nurturing, we asked Council members of young entrepreneurs to share some of the most unique and surprising traits they think great leaders possess – and how they help. Here is what they said:
1. Relatability
I have always found that the best leaders are those who know how to relate to everyone. It seems obvious, but not everyone has this trait. Being able to be in a room and connect with everyone on some level isn't the easiest thing to come by. And that's important because if people feel like they can connect with their leader, they'll stick with them across the world.
—Colbey Pfund, LFNT Distribution
2. Maturity
While being authentic, ethical and charismatic are all great skills for a leader, the one trait often overlooked is maturity. Making informed, well-informed decisions, giving advice that helps empower others, and refusing to let emotions rule are all signs of a mature leader. Maturity is a way to build trust. It doesn't come with age, but with mindfulness and accepting mistakes as a learning tool.
—Joey Kercher, Air Fresh Marketing
3. Resilience
The ability to bounce back from difficult situations is ideal for a leader because it provides the confidence and security the team may need to carry on. Being resilient also means finding other solutions, which can encourage the team to do the same.
—Serenity Gibbons, NAACP
4. Accountability
A great leader knows how and when to take responsibility and accountability for their team. Ideally, team members are responsible for what they do individually, but when a leader steps in and shares that responsibility when things haven't gone so well, it helps the team improve for the future. next time.
—Michael Averto, ChannelApe
5. Thirst for knowledge
A thirst for knowledge is important if you are a new employee, but it is also important for leaders to learn as well. As a manager or owner, it is essential that you continue to learn about your industry and your personal interests. The desire to learn can give you an edge when growing your business and managing your people.
—Syed Balkhi, WPBeginner
6. Adaptability
Being able to handle change well makes any leader more effective. This means that they can handle massive changes in team, management and business model very well. I don't really care if someone can handle something they've tackled before and have experience; I care if they can handle something they've never experienced before.
—James Guldan, Vision Tech Team
7. Insecurity
While it is important for a leader to make decisions and stick to them, it is also important for a leader to second guess or even second guess their decisions. A level of insecurity allows a leader to give every decision the tight control they need, and it encourages them to consult with other team members before pulling the trigger. Although paradoxical, insecurity is an essential leadership trait.
—Bryce Welker, beat the CPA
8. Humility
Being humble through your success is essential to staying grounded and being pleasant company. Letting it get in your head isn't appealing to a leader, whose attitude will rub off on their team. When you recognize that everyone on your team is just as valuable to the success of the business as you are, you will reap the benefits and encourage productivity.
—Chris Christoff, MonsterInsights
9. Simplicity
Simplicity helps you connect with your team at every level. If you're too complicated, sophisticated, or sophisticated, it may not work well with the team. I like to be simple but highly visionary and accessible. It really works for my small team because they can understand me easily and stay connected.
—Piyush Jain, SIMpalm
10. Usefulness
Ask your team where you can help. If you've hired great people, ask them where you can provide resources, perspective, and help ensure their success. Some leaders don't want to "get their hands dirty" or do the hard work, which can create resentment. When you're ready to roll up your sleeves, you set an example of collaboration and initiative that fosters both trust and commitment.
—Jessica Gibson, Ariel Precision Medicine
11. Sense of Humor
Having a sense of humor gets you through difficult situations and stressful times. It helps build rapport and trust your team, who sees you more for who you are rather than just being a towering “boss.” From presentations to staff meetings, I use humor to put everyone at ease and create common ground.
—John Rampton, Calendar
12. Introversion
Contrary to a common misconception, introverts make very good leaders. They are reasonable and persistent, and their ability to carefully analyze every situation can sometimes yield incredible results. Additionally, introverts prefer to listen rather than talk, which means they consider diverse viewpoints and then spend more time thinking critically.
—Solomon Thimothy, OneIMS
13. Positivity
Many say they prefer to be realistic, but practicing positivity is good for business. If you are a negative leader, it will spread through your business like wildfire. People will think that kind of attitude is what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur, but it's not. Good leaders radiate positivity and encourage their team by lifting them up instead of tearing them down.
—Thomas Griffin, OptinMonster
14. Enthusiasm
Have you ever had a boss that was enthusiastic about the job they did, no matter what? Enthusiastic leaders are great because they encourage a positive attitude and this type of behavior is contagious. Good energy is contagious and puts everyone in a good mood so they are ready to work effectively and encourage others to do the same.
—Jared Atchison, WPForms
15. Stability
To be a good leader, you need a combination of good traits; one line is not enough. But of all the traits, I believe a leader must have stability in both emotion and passion. When the company is struggling, the leader is the one the crowd is watching. Being stable doesn't mean being stubborn. Being stable means that the leader, who is the foundation of the company, is calm in any storm.
—Yifei Yin, Human Heritage Project