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Why leaders need to be alert

The first two blocks of the second level of the Coach Wooden Success Pyramid – self-control and alertness – one These are essential qualities for any leader and any team if they are to live up to their abilities.
A leader with self-control will create consistency. A leader with self-control will resist taking shortcuts, no matter how they are presented and how easily they are available. A leader with self-control will "keep their cool" in the face of adversity.
It is the leader's self-control that will allow them to maintain vigilance for himself and his team members.
Related: Why being vigilant is essential for success
In an interview with Steve Churm for a 2005 edition of OC Metro , The coach was asked, “If you were to give a speech to business school graduates, what would be two or three things you would tell them to do to be successful?” As you can see from Coach's answer, self-control is critical:
“I would definitely emphasize listening; I think that could very well be number one. Second, I would tell them not to get absorbed or involved in things over which you have no control. Finally, focus on improving what you can. Work on the things you have control over to help overcome the things you feel the need to change. »

You have to control yourself to become a great listener. Sometimes we can think about how we are going to react while the other person is talking. The leader who has the self-control to avoid doing this will exhibit a key element of mindfulness:listening and learning from others.
Related: The Art of Leadership
A leader who listens with vigilance will avoid fitting into the mold of this boiseism:“Too many know the last word of everything and the first word of nothing.”
The following is an excerpt from the letter Coach sent to his 1970-71 team in July 1970 in which he explains that he will be available to listen, but also clarifies his leadership role:
Come in and speak Message me whenever you feel like it, but remember that it's not necessarily a lack of communication if we can't agree on your position or that of another member of the team. 'team. I am and always will be interested in your problems, but I believe that everyone should do their best to solve their own problems rather than becoming dependent on others. I have found prayer very helpful when I am troubled and I believe all prayers are heard and answered, even if the answer may be no.

The vigilant leader has the mental quickness to recognize changing circumstances and adapt accordingly. The Alert Leader is open-minded and constantly facilitates feedback, creating an engaged and energetic team committed to constant improvement.
The Alert Leader is unhappy at the end of each day simply because “the numbers were good”. Every day, the Alert Leader asks the question, "What did we do to improve today?"
The Alert Leader recognizes, as Coach Wooden puts it, "When success turns the head, you face failure. »
Related: The Leadership Foundation