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5 things strong leaders do

Life is not fair. If you think you'll always get the same raises, bonuses, and opportunities as your peers, prepare to be disappointed. That's life. As a leader, you will sometimes have to make personal sacrifices for the good of your organization. That's life. Sometimes you have to make tough decisions that people might disagree with or think are right. That's life. At the end of the day, sometimes you have to be a tough leader to get results.
Related: Follow these 4 leadership principles to make tough decisions

For example, a football coach must win matches. He could be the players' favorite coach, he could bring a lot of fans to the stadium, and he could have an incredibly inspiring pre-game speech. But if he ends several seasons with more losses than victories, he will not have a job. It might not be fair, but that's life.
Now, that doesn't mean a leader has to be mean to get results. Bill Walsh, legendary former head coach of the San Francisco 49ers, was dubbed "The Genius" for winning three Super Bowls and creating what is known as the West Coast Offense. But Walsh was not a hard-nosed coach who yelled at his team from the sidelines. He was gentle yet confident, instilling lessons about football and life into his players. While Walsh wasn't bossy, he still held his players accountable, and they responded. Many of these players, including Tony Dungy, went on to coach their own teams, passing on Walsh's lessons to another generation.
So what does it mean for a leader to be tough but fair? This means developing a balanced understanding between getting results and building working relationships with your team. Implement these five tips to become the leader that others are proud to follow.
1. Prepare to win.
New team members need to understand where they fit in the organization. Your job is not only to explain your job expectations, but also to find out how they expect to grow and what they need from you to achieve that growth.
An essential part of a tough leader but fair is to do what is right even when it is difficult, even when it may cost you financially. But a great leader knows that focusing on short-term gains can come with long-term costs. A team will stand behind a leader who is willing to do the right thing even when it's not easy. Back up your words with your actions. Live your mission and your values ​​every day.

Your team will support you when they feel you're in their corner, helping them fight for every win.

Once you've established your mission and communicated your goals, don't hesitate to expect results from your team. Set challenging goals with enthusiasm with a team mentality. Your team will back you up when they feel you're in their corner, helping them fight for every win.
2. Fix mistakes immediately.
Never leave issues unaddressed. If an employee consistently falls short of their goals, schedule a meeting now. Don't wait because you're afraid of confrontation or think the problem will resolve itself. A tough leader asserts himself. Tough Leaders Don't Let Things Happen, They Make Things happen.
Show your team that their problems are yours. When they fail, you fail. Work alongside them to uncover difficult areas and work together to learn from those mistakes. No one wants a talkative leader, constantly pointing out mistakes without offering advice for improvement.
You are the captain of your organization. It is your duty to lead the ship safely to shore, especially during a storm. It's easy to steer when the waters are calm. A tough leader knows when and how to take control when the waves start to turn. But don't wait for the storm to be upon you to trim your sails. By then it's too late and you'll be spending a lot of time reacting to problems instead of anticipating them.
Related: This is what it takes to build a successful team
3. Make your team a priority.
Good leaders can put themselves in other people's shoes. It is not easy. I know I have a hard time getting out of my head and listening. But it's an essential part of connecting with your team and building loyalty. And you can't do it just once. Listening and building loyalty is something you need to work on every day.
For example, if you tell someone that their personal growth is important to you, but you don't take the time or effort to plan for this growth, you are effectively saying:Your needs are not a priority for me . As a leader, you are held to a higher standard. You need to know how your words and actions send a message to others.
4. Encourage communication.
Your team should play an important role in the decision-making process. This means you can't be locked in your office. Encourage your team to feel comfortable enough to be honest with you — to share ideas, feedback, and goals. You may not always like what they have to say, but it's important that your employees know they have a voice.
Part of the challenge is learning how to take tough feedback. Not everyone will like you or agree with your decisions. Encourage them to share their comments, questions and concerns with you. Reflect on their comments and adjust them if necessary. A good leader knows that he or she does not have all the answers. I've had a lot of employees come to me with ideas that I would never have thought of on my own. You never know where those ideas will come from, so encourage constant communication.
One of the fastest ways to break your employees' trust is to send mixed or inconsistent messages. Rumors can spread like wildfire when people feel like they don't get the whole story. People need to know they can trust you. Be honest with them. Discuss any problem and how you solve it. Some issues don't have an immediate answer, but an open line of communication shows you're aware and taking action.
5. Reward success and failure with discipline.
Treating people fairly does not mean treating people equally. Each person working under your direction has a different story, a different background. Employees may have the same education and similar work experience, but their personalities and the way they bring value to your team are radically different. And you have to treat them that way.
Reward those who go above and beyond to drive the organization toward common goals. Don't be afraid to publicly recognize top performers. Everyone needs to feel appreciated. And those who have not been recognized will feel motivated to do better and do more. If everyone receives the same recognition, regardless of their individual performance, what incentive does one have to improve?
Being tough requires asserting oneself, collaborating on ideas and strive to influence others to turn ideas into action. You must guide, direct, persuade and move your employees to achieve results. The best way to do this is to build trust, treat each person individually, and keep the lines of communication open. Only then will you see how much you can accomplish.
Related: 4 tips for being a mentally tough leader