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Is it ever a good idea to work for free?

I chose my outfit carefully:the perfect dress, the perfect heels. I left two hours earlier than necessary, just in case.
It didn't matter that there were only 20 people at lunch, and they were there to socialize more than to participate in any of my first speeches. It didn't matter that the keynote was two hours north of where I lived. It was very important to me.
They had no projection equipment, so the audience had to squint at my computer screen to see the power point. And I had a coughing fit in the middle of the presentation that could only be cured by drinking an entire bottle of water while the audience stared at me. And despite all that, I considered the event a huge personal success.
At the end, the organizer paid me for my services with a taco.
“You are invited to enjoy what's left of the buffet,” she said with a smile, pointing to a single silver chafing dish at the back of the room. I thanked her and returned to the buffet where there was a lonely little chicken taco left. I put it on my plate with a dash of salsa.
I then packed my things, thanked the organizer, and drove the two hours back home, still a little hungry.
I remember this event when I hear the current debates around scammers who work without being paid. In the early stages of my business, I listened to countless experts discourage anyone from working for free.
“Rate yourself! Don't underestimate your talent!
And I agree. In a measure. There is definitely a point where you must run, not walk, away from those offering you “great exposure” in exchange for your blood, sweat, and tears. However, at the beginning of my agitation, I found the situation much less black and white. I wanted exposure and experience, and in many ways that was a more immediate need than cash.
Related: The long-term benefit of working for free
If you've faced this conundrum before, here are some scenarios I've found where it makes sense.
When you get the hang of it
I remember listening to an interview with Donny Deutsch about the pursuit of passions. “Think about what you loved to do as a kid,” he said. "What did you enjoy doing for fun?" ”
I immediately thought of my love for storytelling and the weekends I spent at public speaking festivals. Maybe that's what I should do , I thought. I should be a professional storyteller! But what would that look like? I needed to understand some things.
I started by writing articles for a friend's blog, telling her stories. I wrote vows for people's weddings. I wrote the love story of a couple celebrating their 40th anniversary, a gift from their children. I've written stories for local charities, speeches for local executives, and done whatever I could think of, all for little to no money. I needed the freedom to explore and make mistakes and change course without the pressure of accounts receivable.
I was lucky:our family expenses were already covered by other work . It was strictly a side hustle that added bonus income. And this phase did not last forever. As soon as I understood how I could confidently provide my service, I stood firm on the price people had to pay for it.
If you're still figuring things out, engaging pro clients bono who help you in this quest do not underestimate you. It's valuing the process.
When you're not very good…yet
I remember leaving one of my first speeches and calling my mom, my husband and my mentor and shouted at each of them how amazing it was. I was on Cloud Nine after a big breakthrough.
A few weeks later, the event organizers sent the video. And it was awful. From the information, to the delivery, to the shoes I chose, I felt like I was a baby deer learning to walk for the first time, it was embarrassing. They deserved their money. Luckily, they hadn't paid me anything.
When always focusing on improvement, never underestimate the real-life experience. It's often more valuable than any check a potential client might write.
When you just don't want to get paid
Yes, the job is more fulfilling if you're passionate. Yes, work has more meaning if you love what you do. But make no mistake:work is work.
I recently saw a music video of Lady Gaga in which she said that it makes her sad when her passion and creativity take a step back to earn money. the money. She doesn't like being a money-making machine.
Now, I certainly can't speak for Mother Monster, but I believe there comes a time—far, long after the proven idea – when you want to do things just because you love doing them. And in a world obsessed with constant monetization, it can seem like you're breaking the rules if you don't put a dollar on your time or service.
In times like these, think of Gaga and this article. (Please think of me and Lady Gaga in the same brain space!)
There are no rules. Sometimes you choose to do what you love just because you love it.
Will work for a taco
A lot has changed since the day I got paid with a soggy tortilla and some tasteless chicken pieces. I often think back to that day and those two hours on the road. I remember being proud. My track record didn't show it, but I had a distinct feeling that I was onto something. And one day the chicken taco would be a great story to tell.