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Containment:Living well with telework

Containment:Living well with telework

With the lockdown, you went into teleworking mode. Downside:working from home is good for occasional troubleshooting, but in the long term it's less so...unless you follow our tips for optimal telecommuting.

  1. Plan your day in advance

No successful telework without a minimum of organization and rigor. In particular, organize your schedule according to the hours of activities for the children. Plan your work day the day before, you will take less time to start at the start of the day. For example, you can create a daily file with clear objectives and a list of tasks to be accomplished. Every time you do something, write it down:calls, emails, reports, etc. Many apps can help you:

  • Evernote:Create notes and add links, to-do lists, tables, attachments, and even audio recordings to them.
  • Do:Keeps your tasks, lists, and reminders on all your devices. A calendar makes planning your schedule easy.
  • Do it (Tomorrow):Allows you to plan your tasks for a day.
  1. Get up on time

How tempting it is not to set your alarm clock and daydream in bed until late. Yes... but it's the best way to see files pile up on the desk and stress. Get up early, have a good breakfast and off you go... get to work! You can always catch up on sleeping in over the weekend.

  1. Take care of your appearance

One of the advantages of working from home is that you don't have to be dressed to the nines. However, staying in pajamas all day does not really help to get into "work" mode. The suit or the suit and tie, it may be too much , opt for a more casual, but dressy outfit.

  1. Impose discipline on yourself

Keep a work pace similar to what you have in the office. Keep the same hours. Yes, yes, you are entitled to coffee breaks (you can schedule it by Skype or telephone with a colleague). Plan a slightly longer lunch break than normal. Especially if the children are there, it's time to get together with the family.

  1. Keep in touch with colleagues

In this period of confinement, it is essential to stay in touch with your colleagues and your boss. There is no shortage of tools for communicating remotely:emails, chat, videoconference... However, prefer the telephone, because you are quite busy with the screens. You can then take stock of an ongoing project, share your difficulties on such and such a point, report on the progress of your work to reassure your employer. Do not hesitate to share your emotions with colleagues if there is a good understanding.

Did you know?

According to a study by Ifop, 29% of employees used teleworking in 2019, when 55% of them would like to use it, in particular to reduce travel time. Finally, 67% of managers believe that working from home increases employee productivity and engagement.

  1. Tell your children

Explain to your toddlers that, just like them, you are not on vacation and that you have to work. When possible, isolate yourself in a room, close the door and cut out any distractions. If they are older, they can homeschool at the same time as you. For the little ones, provide them with something to occupy themselves:colored pencils, paper, modeling clay... Be careful, however, not to give in to the temptation of leaving them too long in front of the screens.

  1. Share organization with spouse

If both parents are working from home, one works in the morning while the other takes care of the children and vice versa in the afternoon. For the general organization of the house, the same. Menus for the week, preparation of timetables, household chores… Dividing the mental load in two will allow everyone to concentrate on their job. For that, the Trello app is what you need. It allows you to create tables by theme and lists, for better management of your daily life. You can also make a general schedule on Google Drive.

  1. Take care of yourself

Who says confinement says stress and anxiety. It is therefore essential to take care of yourself by setting aside an hour to place whenever you want on the schedule. Keep exercising to burn off:do squats, push-ups, core exercises, stretches. You can use Nike Training Club applications, subscribe to YouTube channels like POPSUGAR Fitness, to do dance, yoga, boxing, strength training in a good mood, Sissy MUA, or Lucile Woodward, to get good gently.

Likewise, try getting outside for some sunshine to boost your energy and vitamin D levels. If you have a garden, take advantage of it. Otherwise, a trip to the supermarket can be an opportunity to walk for a few moments. However, remember to follow the safety instructions related to the epidemic every time you go out:social distancing and hand washing.

With the children at home, it's not always easy to work from home. But by putting these little tricks into practice, we can still achieve it. You might even become a teleworker for life, who knows?