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Successful professional retraining

Successful professional retraining

You've been hesitating for so long and you've finally made up your mind:you're going to change jobs! Where to start ? How can you be sure your project sticks? Who can support you in your quest for the best job there is? Here are our best tips for a successful professional retraining.

Ask yourself the right questions

Do you know that nine out of ten French people[1] have already considered changing jobs? Before launching your resignation letter with panache to your boss, do not forget that a professional retraining project requires a minimum of upstream reflection. These questions will help you define your professional desires, but also pinpoint what you no longer want.

  • What do I expect from my new job?

More action, interactivity, independence, less sedentariness...

  • What are my strengths? My weak points?

If you want more independence by becoming a freelancer, but are disorganized by nature, there is a catch. Putting your personality traits into perspective will allow you to consider a professional retraining project that stands up and that suits you.

  • Can I make a living from the job I want?

It is not because you are passionate about writing that you will be able to live from your pen. Before leaving your job, find out about the reality of the market.

  • Am I motivated enough to learn?

A new job requires new skills to be acquired. Will you have the courage to sacrifice some evenings and some weekends for your new job?

  • Is this a passing fancy or a serious project?

If you wanted to open your sewing workshop three months ago, get started in bed and breakfasts in Périgord last week, and become a firefighter today, you will have to concentrate a little to understand what you really want in the long run.

How to choose the right orientation?

For a successful professional retraining, it is necessary to pass a skills assessment. This analysis work allows you to know which sector is made for you, so that you can orient yourself more easily.

If you are an employee, you can request a skills assessment from the OPCA on which you depend. This organization will advise you on the steps to take and will send you the list of approved skills assessment centres. It is up to you to make a free, non-binding first appointment with the center that suits you.

If you are a job seeker, contact Pôle Emploi and ask for support via the AIF (Individual training aid) in order to carry out your skills assessment.

The skills assessment is eligible for the personal training account

If you use your personal training account (CPF) for a review carried out outside working hours, you do not need to notify your employer. If you use your personal training account for a review during working time, you must request the prior agreement of your employer.

Once your skills assessment has been completed, you will determine the different trades that correspond to your skills by means of a trade test. You will then be directed towards future job ideas, based on your tastes and skills.

Changing jobs:how to get support?

In France, several organizations support you if you want to change jobs:

  • The AFPA (Association for the professional training of adults) offers job seekers and employees a rich catalog of training courses to choose from according to your project.
  • Pôle Emploi offers training for job seekers.
  • APEC (Association for the employment of executives) advises and supports executives in their retraining project.
  • The GRETA network is made up of National Education structures that organize training within a dedicated establishment, in your company or online.
  • Agefiph (Association for the management of the fund for the integration of disabled people) is an organization that supports people with disabilities to find work, keep their job or build their professional retraining project.
  • The Chamber of Trades and Crafts offers, if you wish to reorient yourself towards the craft trades, technical training and internships.
  • The website offers a catalog of more than 200,000 training courses and advice on preparing for your retraining (steps, new personal training account, etc.).

Focus on the Professional Development Council (CEP)

Intended for all working people and young people who have left the school system without qualifications or diplomas, the CEP is a free and personalized support system run by Pôle Emploi, Apec, the local mission and CAP emploi. It includes an individual interview to analyze your professional situation and support to define and implement a professional project.

How to finance your professional retraining?

For employees wishing to change career paths, there is the professional transition project (formerly CIF) to finance certifying training eligible for the personal training account.

If you are a job seeker, declare your training project to Pôle Emploi, which will continue to pay you your unemployment benefits. Another good idea, work-study contracts. You are one time in school, one time in business; the company finances your vocational retraining, and you receive a salary.

Entrepreneurs ‒ self-employed included ‒ contribute to a vocational training fund entitling them to approximately €1,000/year of funding for vocational training.

Finally, to finance your training, also consider contacting local authorities.

You don't change jobs like you change your wardrobe! For a successful professional retraining, it must be well thought out and well prepared. With our practical advice, you can look forward to your new professional life with serenity.
