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Office furnishing for working girls:restyling my home office

I struggle my way through our office. I just barely have to use my elbows to clear the way to the desk. In order to put down my coffee, I first have to put aside piles of flyers, pens and laptops scattered here and there. When I go to the bathroom, I trip over a dog's bone. Okay, the above is a slightly exaggerated version of reality. But not very exaggerated 😉 . My office furnishings were crap. Time for a change for my home office. Are you watching the restyling?

Table of contents

Office annex junk room

Mothers are busy and cleaning up isn't my thing at all, so it's not at the top of my to-do list. I also find it very convenient that my office is at home. I also have the best cappuccino at home (I admit… Starbucks is also good). It's not great that it also serves as a playroom for the kids and sometimes for the dog. In addition, I have been complaining for years that I don't have enough closet space to store all my 'junk'. Recognizable? You read it, it's high time for a new office design. And let this busy mom want to make time for that 😉 . Look… this is what it looked like before. Yagh!

Moms at Work:happy with home office

Although we only work with ladies here, our office has never had a very feminine touch. In fact, with clay and Playmobil everywhere you looked, it probably looked most like a 'ordinary' playpen. If you looked closely you could see that there were a number of PCs, and that it may have also functioned as an office. There is nothing wrong with that in itself, you would think, except that a tidy house (and therefore also the office) is necessary for a tidy mind. And my head has been getting fuller lately!

Our office furnishing could therefore clearly use a make-over. Fortunately, son and daughter are on holiday, so I turned their holiday into a working holiday 😉 . Nice to lend a hand and start storing their toys!

Office furnishing:Indispensable must-haves

As soon as we have made some space, it becomes clear that we secretly have quite a large office. But also a lot of stuff. So it's time for a good closet, where we can hide all our 'junk'. Sufficient storage space was therefore a must. All that equipment from the giveaways must also be neatly stored as long as it is with us, right? 

And secretly I already have quite a bit of administration! A beautiful new cabinet was therefore a must-have. But what kind of thing? I'm not a brand freak at all, but unfortunately for the wallet I regularly have a very expensive taste. Likewise with the closet. It is a sliding door wardrobe with 3 parts, with a total width of 3 meters. Ideal I must say. Google is your best friend if you're looking for something, it turns out 😉 . Look at pictures, click through and then look for the most reasonable price, which I found at the office cabinet shop. Logical actually!


In addition, I have never had enough light in my home office. Very irritating, especially if you are also toiling in the dark hours. I have now opted for real eye-catchers that give our office a playful touch. And I think we succeeded; with these Mona dessert lamps we would almost feel like the shorter winter days! I had two of these, but have since ordered another one (a mint-colored one). It gets even more fun with the pastel shades and two I found just a bit too thin. How do you find them?

I can say that I am completely in love with it. They come from Gwennieslab. She makes them herself by hand and I think they are super special. So creative! By the way, if you look at her Instagram account, you'll see more beautiful pictures of how to use these pudding lamps!

They are mounted on a scaffolding plank by my hubby because the roof in this part of our ground floor is higher and sloped. A bit difficult to confirm otherwise, but I think it turned out great! Of course I first went over it with a white brush.

Cosiness in our home office

Plants provide oxygen (yes duhuh) and a peaceful atmosphere. In this case, I felt the need to create a cosy, uncluttered look with a splash of color here and there. Hence a plant in a waterproof bag in cheerful blue and two upside down plant pots (from Coolgift) in front of the window. You can also see a speech bubble hidden behind the plant bag above. Also a funny thing where you can write something on and which at the same time provides a bit of mood lighting due to the light that is inside (just like with the letterbox).

A nice office is half the work

We remain women, so it is just as important that our new office design is stylish and cosy! And decoration for offices, of course, comes in all shapes and sizes. We have gone for inspiring sayings on the wall (“coffee is always a good idea”). I found these posters at Juniqe. I found it quite difficult to choose and could have put 5 more in my shopping cart, but hey, my budget is not infinite either .

The hanging plants leave the windowsill nice and empty. This has a very big advantage:it is easy to clean! Because the windowsill is fairly empty, we were able to enjoy ourselves again. The window is thus decorated with chalk markers. My daughter did part of it and when she didn't feel like it anymore I finished it. Very fun to do I must say! Now it's plants, but there will also be houses again, and in the winter something with snow (or leaves in the autumn).

From now on we will keep our to-do lists neatly in the wooden storage bins below. Because:a tidy office is half the battle. Are we ready now? That remains to be seen 😉 .

Our wishlist

Again, we're still women, so we also have a wish list of things for our office furnishings. However, I do think that I have spent enough money at the moment, so even though the wanna-haves below are not that expensive for my home office, I oblige myself to wait a little longer!

I find this desk vacuum cleaner so cute myself. And with the food at the laptop not only cute, but also very handy, such a dustpan for on your desk. At least with Henry (or Hetty) our office design stays tidy.

To prevent you from sweating at your desk all summer, you can of course place a fan. Then you can go for a standard white device, but bronze is completely in at the moment, so why not? On colder days, it can simply remain on your desk, just for the sake of beauty.

The same actually applies to this cup warmer, which can simply be left in the summer. nom nom nom. You plug it into your USB port and your coffee or tea stays nice and warm. You just have to be careful not to get too hungry 😉 .

Pfff hey, that's work

Well, that turned out to be quite a story in the end. What do you think of the restyling? Did it work out a bit? I am very happy with it myself! The restyling was finished just before we went on holiday ourselves. And I already said a few times during the holidays that I miss my office so much, haha.

Which item has become indispensable for you in your own workspace? Let me know in a comment, i love to be inspired † And maybe I can add something to my wishlist!