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4 tips to turn off the distractions

Do you think the grass is greener on the other side of your attention? Think again. The more you tolerate distraction, the harder it is to deliver timely, high-quality output in business. But maybe you think of your distraction as multitasking. That's really a myth. Get rid of distractions and increase productivity with these four tips:

Raise your standards and take control
The same kind of thinking that has bound you to distractions won't help you avoid them. This means changing the way you think about time, value and results. Make them first priorities, not afterwards. Remember, no distraction is worth damaging your integrity, professional reputation, or bottom line. Ultimately, only your results matter. Apologies not.

Anticipate the kinds of distractions that are likely to distract you
Make a list. For example, if you know that constantly checking email will cost you two hours out of your day, this is an important distraction to avoid. Pick a 15-minute block later in the day to scan and hold your inbox. Do not respond to your email until that time is up.

Can't resist checking your Facebook feed for updates incessantly? It only increases your commitment to being distracted. Use Facebook to fully decompress after you complete your tasks. Don't log in until you really have time.

If you know that chatterbox comes in every Monday morning to update you on her weekend antics, be prepared to keep your footing. Advise that while you'd love to hear about her weekend, you should do some important things first. Be polite, but firm.

Plan, commit and execute
If you want to successfully avoid distractions, you can't tackle them haphazardly. You need a solid plan of attack. Prepare your plan in advance – in writing. It should include a list of important distractions, strategies for avoiding them, and a plan for confrontations that cannot be avoided. Be thoughtful in your approach. Brainstorm difficult scenarios. Role-play to increase your comfort level. Review your plan first thing in the morning. Focus on results and strategies before doing anything else.

Do you think you are ready? Not so fast. Creating a good plan is not enough to inspire productivity. You must take action. Commit to playing to the fullest and successfully achieving the goal no matter what. Encourage yourself to do the heavy lifting. Train discipline and be prepared to brace yourself.

Pay attention to the results
Just because you make a plan—even a really good plan—doesn't mean it's going to work. Learn to pay more attention to the results you get. Ask yourself if your efforts are getting you closer or further away from your goal. Be honest. By sharpening your analytical skills and "becoming acutely aware", you learn to see the devil in the details.