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Avoid becoming a workaholic with these simple steps

Hard work is good, but as with everything, balance is crucial. If you're constantly working long hours, or can't remember the last time you took time off, pause and consider if that's the kind of life you want for yourself. If you shake your head now, know that it's never too late. Here's how to still deliver the best results at work and realize your potential without becoming a workaholic.

Set clear boundaries and stick to them

People often set clear limits on how long they can stay in the office, but don't follow them. To avoid this, make sure that your end time is non-negotiable. For example, if your office hours are 9am to 5pm, you must leave the office before 5pm. Only stay later when necessary.

Plan your break

Since your planner consists of all your activities and appointments for the day, you can maximize it by planning your free time as well. This way, you'll be reminded when it's time to take that necessary break, even for a moment. The moment you start your tasks again, you will feel more energized, more creative and able to deliver better results.


Unless your tasks require you to be logged into social media accounts, log out of them so you can focus on your tasks and give them the undivided attention they deserve. If you work in the office or at home, it helps to have a work login tailored to only the apps and tools you need to get your work done. It should also be set to block social media sites so that your attention and energy is focused on the tasks you are doing so that you can complete your work faster and relax.

Make sure you get enough sleep

Work addiction is often associated with sleep deprivation. If you can find time to schedule a break or free time, you should also set your schedule so that you can experience a good night's sleep every day, especially on work days. Remember:work smarter, not harder. It's okay to go home late, but not to have to sacrifice your night's sleep for work. Your health is much more important than the extra money you earn.

Listen to your body

Your body is your ultimate guide to slowing down and speeding up. If you work too much, your body will feel lethargic. If so, this is a sign that you need to slow down. This way you can avoid getting sick and tired. You will not miss work and you will not find yourself in a situation where you have to catch up with tasks, as this can lead to work addiction.

Create a to-do and a not-to-do list

Write down all the things that should be a priority on your to-do list. On the not-to-do list you can write everything that is less urgent, such as answering emails that don't need to be answered right away or talking to colleagues. These lists will help you keep things in line with your schedule and also remind you of deadlines to meet.

Avoid multitasking

No matter how intelligent and smart you think you are, multitasking is one area you want to stay away from. Why? While you can complete more tasks with this, the results you deliver will be of lower quality. When that happens, you will have to redo or fix things. This means that you need more time for a task that you should have completed earlier.

Say no

Are you someone who says yes to their manager, colleagues or others because you don't want to let them down? If so, you're taking on too much and spending more time working when you should be resting. Learn to say no and prioritize yourself and your goals. If there is extra work and you think it could help your professional development, only say yes if you think you can complete the task in the time given. If not, ask for more time or just say no to avoid delivering subpar results.

Automate tasks

Take advantage of sites like HootSuite, which help you automate social media tasks. This way you can save your time and energy for tasks that need a more personal touch, while still looking like you're working even when you're not. More importantly, you don't feel exhausted if you have to do everything manually.

Find time for family and friends

While doing a job you love is important and well worth your time, think about the reasons you're doing it. Apart from yourself, isn't it because of the people you love and care about? If so, then they are important too. Find a balance between the two.

Find a hobby

A hobby can also help you avoid driving yourself crazy on the job. So think about what piques your interest – something that has nothing to do with your work at all. It could be a sport, running, spending time outdoors or anything else. Find something you love and use it as a way to withdraw from too much work.

Contact others for help

If you see yourself as a hopeless workaholic and have a hard time not working too much, or at least controlling the amount of work you do, talk to the people you love or a professional. Sometimes you can't do it alone and it's better to accept help from others. You can be career driven without being a workaholic!