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The Global Women's Summit:A Celebration of Actors and Actors

Held last October in Little Rock, Arkansas, the 2018 Global Women's Summit was a celebration of actors and performers; a source of inspiration and support to connect and empower women around the world, helping them realize their potential and reach new heights.
Featuring conversations, panel discussions, head-to-head interviews head-to-head and from the spotlight, the event brought together the voices and ideas of a diverse range of personalities from the worlds of business, entertainment, science and technology to accelerate women's leadership in bold new ways . The summit's extensive programming has been designed to inspire action and creativity across six fundamental pillars:entrepreneurship, technology, finance, health, education and sustainability.
SUCCESS was a proud partner of the summit, providing personal development resources to attendees, and SUCCESS Senior Vice President Lauren Lawley Head was on hand to lead several panel discussions, including an introduction for women interested in pursuing entrepreneurship.
“We were really able to dig into some of these issues to find the motivation to start your business,” Lawley Head said. "And some of the pitfalls and keys to success you'll encounter along the way. ”
The Global Women's Summit aims to mentor 1 million women by 2030. For more information, visit

“I think the #1 trait of good leaders is the ability to inspire – to have a vision that others believe in and want to fight for.”

– Alex Coren, co-founder of Wambi

“Don't be passive in the face of difficulty. Become more active. »
– Tina Hovsepian, architect, inventor and social entrepreneur

“It is important for women to find mentors. We are not given many examples of the success we want to aspire to. Mentors can fulfill this role for women to understand what success looks like at different stages of life. These experienced perspectives can guide you and help you make decisions. ”
– Danielle Kayembe, Founder and CEO of GreyFire Impact

“Female leadership is about vision and responsibility. Strive to set an example for your team and encourage a collaborative process. »
– Lisa Song Sutton, entrepreneur and investor

This article originally appeared in the Summer 2019 issue of LadiesBelle I/O magazine.