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9 apps that will help you prioritize your life

You've been putting off your to-do list for hours, days, or even weeks. You feel stressed just looking at it. It is now. Use these apps to start scratching things up. Don't wait another minute.

1. Fabulous:Motivate me!

The Behavioral Economics Lab at Duke University invented this app, which helps motivate you to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. If you're trying to wake up earlier, lose weight, or train for a marathon, download this app.

2. Forest:stay focused, be present

Open this app and plant a virtual seed. It will grow over a period of 10 to 120 minutes. If you leave the app during the time you set to use another app like Facebook or Snapchat, the tree will die.

3. Personal motivation

Android only
Need some quick inspiration? Download this app for quick motivational tips like "The Powers of a Positive Attitude" and share it with your friends.

4. Wakie

With this app, you can build or grow any skill on your radar with someone you are matched with anywhere in the world. For example, you can create a topic, like "I want to speak French with a native speaker," and Wakie will call you on the phone with someone interested in your topic.

5. Do Sh*t Done

Android only
If you find it hard to do anything in your life, download this app. Set yourself a goal with a deadline (and sub-goals if you have a monumental task), then a reward for yourself once you achieve the goal. With colorful motivational language, the app will keep you up to date.

6. Habitica:Gamify your tasks

Gamify your motivation with Habitica. Enter your habits, goals, and to-do list, and create an avatar to represent yourself. As you progress through your tasks and habits, your avatar will gain access to features such as quests, pets, and armor.


Android only
Track your habits with this comprehensive app. Make a habit, tell the app how you did for a day, and watch your streak slowly increase. This applies to any habit, from spending less time on Facebook to quitting smoking.

8. Productivity Challenge Timer

This app is not for the faint of heart. Enter your current goal or project, such as “Complete the GED thesis,” enter the work you put into it on any given day, and the app will rank you and give you stats as you progress. Everyone starts out as an "unrepentant slacker" and slowly progresses to a more prestigious rank.

9. Mix up my life

Some of us need a change of scenery or action to get us going. If you're of that mindset, Shuffle My Life is for you. The app will share various new to-do items based on the weather, season, time, and your location. Tasks include things like going for a walk outside, finding and messaging someone with the same name, and visiting a drive-in theater.
Related: 18 must-have apps to become your best self